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Disco Help Skype Channel - Printable Version

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Disco Help Skype Channel - Oxslow - 02-11-2011

I have come back to disco after a long time out. I am fairly sure that there used to be a help channel but I can't seam to find it now. Does it still exist?

Disco Help Skype Channel - 11of10 - 02-11-2011

I think it's long gone, tho I might be wrong... best to ask questions here or ingame in Penny, probably. Maybe there's still an Angel or two around, I don't know.

Disco Help Skype Channel - Contaan - 02-11-2011

It should still be around, although not as lively as it was. Left it about a week or two ago. I'd ask Kindred on TS since he should still be in there.