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To: Admiralty Board of Bretonia; - Printable Version

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To: Admiralty Board of Bretonia; - Wolfs Ghost - 02-12-2011

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]
<div align="right]Location: Dublin System
Battleship Essex

"Admiral Ralston,

I'm here on behalf of myself, as a former Commander of the Armed Forces, and someone who holds one of the highest medals in the Bretonian kingdom, in case you've forgotten or don't know, that would be the Carina's Cross.

I was informed by an Ensign that the IMG are now enemies of the crown. I don't believe it's wise for us to make enemies. While yes, I'm aware of the attacks they had against the BMM, I do believe it would be a better idea to charge them with criminal acts in the Royal Courts rather than this.

The people of Bretonia are demoralized due to the war. We can't afford to spend our resources in attacking the IMG or blockading them during this time. Trust me, Sir, this little annoyance the IMG caused can easily be pushed aside and dealt with by legal matters, not militaristic. This little annoyance doesn't have to result in a full blown war.

I hope you'll understand my concerns.

[Transmission Terminated]

To: Admiralty Board of Bretonia; - Dieter Schprokets - 02-12-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Mr Goodman

I would not get too concerned. This situation shall not endure indefinitely.

However, it is necessary to repond harshly when one violates the sanctity of ones' home.

We can ill afford Independant Miners interfering with BMM, as those overworked, underpaid patriots slog it out in the asteroid fields, only to see a Guild member blow their hard work to smithereens.

If the Guild is concerned about war, they should have acted like guests in Dublin, and not used the drapes to wipe their posteriors.

And in any case "war" does not accurately characterise the current situation. I prefer "period of punative measures".

However, Goodman, your service record does you proud, and I take your opinion under advisement.

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.

To: Admiralty Board of Bretonia; - Wolfs Ghost - 02-12-2011

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]
<div align="right]Location: Dublin System
Battleship Essex

"Thank you for the swift response sir,

I'm in full agreement that the Guild should have acted as guests, and I'm well aware of the situation that happened. I don't blame your actions for directly laying siege to the IMG stations within Bretonian space, if I was in your position, I probably would've done that same thing.

Apart from that, I've informed one of their members, an Ian Desari, to inform the rest of the guild not to attack any of the Crown's ships. 'Good behavior' might just get this period of punative measure out of the way quicker so we won't have to deal with having to shoot down people. I'd make a suggestion to have BMM bring up a finite amount of credits that the IMG owes them from the loss of the ore, and have it paid in full to the Treasury.

[Transmission Terminated]

To: Admiralty Board of Bretonia; - Dieter Schprokets - 02-12-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Mr Goodman

I would ask that you continue your back channel negotiations.

We will find a solution that satisfies both honour and realpolitik.

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.