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China overtakes Japan in GDP - Printable Version

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China overtakes Japan in GDP - Fletcher - 02-14-2011

Well our industrious friends in China have just overtaken Japan as the new 2nd largest economy in the world! Well done to them I say! It could spur more growth from USA. Maybe.

Here is an article link:

We cannot and should not fear the Chinese, they're a great people and I hope one day to travel there. Although I doubt I could get past their language :laugh: I only know English fluently sadly:( Damn speech impediment.

Well done China, and continue to prosper without military might! As we all should :)

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-14-2011

I have nothing against the Chinese, and I do wish them well. Still, I'd like it even better if they weren't prospering at the cost of my own people. A trip to Wal-Mart (or any other retailer over here) show's exactly why the US is faltering, and why good jobs are so hard to find here these days. It can be summed up in three words.

Made in China.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Jeremy Hunter - 02-14-2011

What Captain Morgansaid.

Walk into target, grab a random toy.



China overtakes Japan in GDP - Camtheman - 02-14-2011

Meh, the US will rebound like it always does.

8 years of a Republican will do that to us.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Fletcher - 02-14-2011

Its been like that for a while... They're manufacturing giants and they have seriously prospered from our consumer demands.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-14-2011

' Wrote:Meh, the US will rebound like it always does.

8 years of a Republican will do that to us.
It goes back further than the Republicans. Both parties are at fault for allowing American manufacturers to sell out and move jobs out of the country in the search for cheap labor. What the rich bastards didn't think of is who buys the crap they sell? American workers. A well compensated worker buys more (and more expensive) stuff than a minimum wage worker does. They shot themselves in the foot by considering the bottom line right now over the long term, bigger picture.

Again, as I said, I don't blame the Chinese for this at all. They see an opportunity to cash in and improve their own nation's lot, and they're running with it full speed ahead. They're not stupid, after all. If it hadn't been China, it would've been someone else.

Unless we start manufacturing more of our own stuff, and pay the workers who make it a fair wage, things will only continue to get worse in the long run, I think.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Fletcher - 02-14-2011

I guess a stereotype for them is true, they're clever with money in the long term.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Camtheman - 02-14-2011

Quote:It goes back further than the Republicans. Both parties are at fault for allowing American manufacturers to sell out and move jobs out of the country in the search for cheap labor. What the rich bastards didn't think of is who buys the crap they sell? American workers. A well compensated worker buys more (and more expensive) stuff than a minimum wage worker does. They shot themselves in the foot by considering the bottom line right now over the long term, bigger picture.

Again, as I said, I don't blame the Chinese for this at all. They see an opportunity to cash in and improve their own nation's lot, and they're running with it full speed ahead. They're not stupid, after all. If it hadn't been China, it would've been someone else.

If the Independent parties were bigger I'd vote for them (in 2 years when I can =P)

The Chineese keep their money down, however.

They're pushing oppertunity a bit far.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-14-2011

' Wrote:If the Independent parties were bigger I'd vote for them (in 2 years when I can =P)
Do it anyway. That's the only way a party can grow. Vote your conscience, not for the lesser evil. I vote Socialist/Green mostly these days. Sure, they're not winning much, but I never walk away from the ballot box feeling like I threw away my vote.

Whether you sit on the right, left, or somewhere in between, all that matters is that you vote for who you really want, not for the idiot most likely to win and least likely to screw it up. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

EDIT: Sorry for the political off-topic. Won't happen again.

China overtakes Japan in GDP - tansytansey - 02-14-2011

' Wrote:Meh, the US will rebound like it always does.
As history teaches us, the World's super powers don't last forever. The USA won't disappear, but the power and influence will falter over time, and it will give rise to a new world super power. It may not be this time, and it may not be to the Chinese, but it'll happen, eventually. At least this time it doesn't look like the change will be made with blood.