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Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

My Zoner corvo was accused of smuggling Software in Kusari today. I tried to RP the role of a Zoner research vessel based at Corinth research station in Omicron-74, this is what my character is. Its why he flies a deep space exploration vessel and not a zoner whale that would turn more profit for a 'smuggler'. Its also why i went to the trouble of getting a zoner guard ID to fly said vessel.

I explained that I was moving the items from Ames research to Corinth, thats between 2 zoner bases, not from or to a house or corporation base, you could say I was doing house factions a favour by removing the items from their sphere of influence but thats a matter of speculation. The fact is I had a valid RP reason for my cargo, much like those who carry light firearms for instance claiming its for crew etc. I realize if I had a researcher ID then the point would be even more valid but the researcher ID does not allow me to fly the deep space explorer I use for a research vessel ( a ship meant to operate in uncharted and hostile systems, but not a warship). As special roleplay applications are now closed I have to RP the research role to the best of my ability all the time, I do not switch from a researcher to anything else as the mood takes me.

Anyway, the Hogosha in qustion just said I was a liar, he was the president of liberty and he would submit his scan to the KNF (not sure thats appropriate for a semi legal group, opinion again). It was evident that no matter how valid I felt my RP to be this guys was determined to be an annoyance. He followed me all the way past the Sigma-19 to 17 JG and then proceeded to fire disrupters every time I engaged warp, no demands to stop etc. Just a constant stream of telling me I had no idea who he was, and I was so screwed now etc etc. After a few of his disrupters I opened fire (independent space) to lower his shields as I believe firing disrupters to be an act of aggression, especially from this guy. He moved out of range and I was free to continue. He then started bleating in local that I had fired on him for no reason to anyone who would listen.

So my question is this, who is in the wrong here? It could well be myself for not sticking to the rules by the letter, but I have learned that good RP is worth its weight in gold compared to constant rule bickering. Or is it the hogosha for failing to even entertain the idea of accomodating my RP? His initial response was 'your a liar'. He did not even entertain the thought that I may actually be what I claimed. Is there any point in developing your RP and character, and sticking to the role you assign yourself when others are so intolerant of anything they dont agree with?

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

Double standarts.

You believe you are right and him being wrong.

He believes you are wrong and him being right.

You can blame him for his RP as he can blame you for the same.

So who is intolerant now?
Him disregarding your Rp. Or you, disregarding his point of view?

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:Double standarts.

You believe you are right and him being wrong.

He believes you are wrong and him being right.

You can blame him for his RP as he can blame you for the same.

So who is intolerant now?
Him disregarding your Rp. Or you, disregarding his point of view?

And where do I say I disregard his point of view? Thats half the problem, points of view are all different. Thats where RP falls apart. I am not asking you who YOU think believes themself right or wrong. I do disregard his behviour and his approach to the whole thing, but his point of view in his mind is probably as valid as I believe mine to be. Thats why I'm asking for others

EDIT. To quickly answer your last question, its more serious to disregard RP than a point of view I'd say. This is an RP server not a 'point of view' server.

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

You have just answered to yourself.
Matter of different opinions. His and yours.
Same can be expected here. I say he did what he thought being right. So this particular RP was all good.
Others might say it was not.

Whom will you believe when community's opinions will be different?..

What I mean is, you should not seek opinions on RP situation where nobody lost anything. Time was lost, but on proper (imho) RP.

In my eyes you opened a disguised complaint here.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:You have just answered to yourself.
Matter of different opinions. His and yours.
Same can be expected here. I say he did what he thought being right. So this particular RP was all good.
Others might say it was not.

Whom will you believe when community's opinions will be different?..

What I mean is, you should not seek opinions on RP situation where nobody lost anything. Time was lost, but on proper (imho) RP.

In my eyes you opened a disguised complaint here.

Not a complaint at all, I dont care enough, its a game. Its open for constructive criticism. If it turns out that people believe I was at fault then I would quite happily not transport the items again and thus avoid this situation ever arising in the future. My main concern is just to see if my RP was good enough to stand up to scrutiny from anyone except the player in question 'cause if its not I am going to run into problems all the time. If it transpires that people think I was justified then at least i have a referrence 'in writing' here that I can point someone too.
I am too old, too disinterested and too indifferent to make this into a complaint. Thats why I have left the other players name out. This is for my own clarification only

Opinions? - Coral Reaver - 02-16-2011

This is a Role-Play scenario you have described here, with possible in-RP Laws being broken, not actual server rules.

If he is convinced you are smuggling, then he will most likely report it to the authorities in one way or another. In your case that will be the Kusari Naval Forces or Kusari State Police. If his evidence is conclusive, and that you were carrying contraband in Kusari Space, consequences may apply.

If his evidence is not conclusive, or your counter-argument during the possible hearing is sufficient enough, the authorities may ignore what you did.

Either way this is a Role-Play scenario with Role-Play consequences, there is no right or wrong, it doesn't matter what your opinion is or what his opinion is, and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks here. What matters are the characters/factions affected and how they deal with the situation.

For the record, the Hogosha or any character can call your character a liar or whatever he feels like calling you. Doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

In summary: This is all Role-Play.

I hope this makes things clearer for you.

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

Well, I think he did fine. Maybe it was empty threats, maybe those were real ones. Who knows?
That's the point behind RP.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:This is a Role-Play scenario you have described here, with possible in-RP Laws being broken, not actual server rules.

If he is convinced you are smuggling, then he will most likely report it to the authorities in one way or another. In your case that will be the Kusari Naval Forces or Kusari State Police. If his evidence is conclusive, and that you were carrying contraband in Kusari Space, consequences may apply.

If his evidence is not conclusive, or your counter-argument during the possible hearing is sufficient enough, the authorities may ignore what you did.

Either way this is a Role-Play scenario with Role-Play consequences, there is no right or wrong, it doesn't matter what your opinion is or what his opinion is, and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks here. What matters are the characters/factions affected and how they deal with the situation.

For the record, the Hogosha or any character can call your character a liar or whatever he feels like calling you. Doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

I hope this makes things clearer for you.

That would be the ideal outcome, I would relish the opportunity to defend myself via RP. I realise that software is considered illegal in regards to smuggling, but transporting it from one zoner base to another for research purposes and not profit, especially as both bases in question are 'Research' bases I didnt feel it would be an issue. I should maybe approach KNF on this matter. Thanks for constructive response

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:Well, I think he did fine. Maybe it was empty threats, maybe those were real ones. Who knows?
That's the point behind RP.

I wont fault his RP, but the episode in sigma 17 with the cruise disrupters was a bit on the childish side. You have to expect such reactions I suppose from time to time

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:I wont fault his RP, but the episode in sigma 17 with the cruise disrupters was a bit on the childish side. You have to expect such reactions I suppose from time to time
But what if he had purpose to provoke the attack? More then good RP I would say.