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From: BAF Ensign Archer Gaspar - Printable Version

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From: BAF Ensign Archer Gaspar - droideka95 - 02-16-2011

-=Location: Dublin. Battleship Essex=-
-= Signal Strength [||||....]
-=Encrypted, IMG and BAF codes only=-

I am sending this message to Admiralty and IMG for a very important reason. I am sure you are all familiar with a company called, The Reavers. During a late night patrol last night, I began my approach of the Hood. When I saw a fellow by the name of, Crimson Reaver undock from the battleship. I knew he had to be up to something, as I have never had a friendly encounter with the Reavers. I scanned his ship and found Armed Forces officers, I kindly asked that they be returned. However, as I did this 3 or 4 more Reaver vessels showed up on Sensors.

I believe they came from the Molly Asteroid field, probably from Omega-49. One of them, I believe Crimson, stated I had a bounty on my head. They all engaged me, thankfully as I dodged around the Hood to avoid getting shot down, one of them shot a torpedo and hit the Hood, it opened fire on 2 of them and I slowly thrusted my way back to Essex. They broke off about halfway through the chase.

My concern is that the Reavers seem to be using Hood as a staging ground for hunting Armed Forces operatives, and civilians. I was unable to catch guncam images of the event, but I am aware I am not the first person to see them undock from the Hood. The evidence is highly against them, and I feel something should be done.

I thought about sending this via private Comm to Admiralty only, but I felt the IMG should know too. I apologize to my superiors if I have stepped out of line in any way, this is my first voiced concern and I hope it is considered.

Until then, I will donate my off time hours to snapping a guncam shot of the event to further provide evidence.

Archer Gaspar


From: BAF Ensign Archer Gaspar - AeternusDoleo - 02-20-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Ens. Gaspar
CC: BAF Admiralty; Ron Matterson
Subject: Reaver agression
Encryption: Low

Mr Gaspar,

I can only offer my apologies that your stay around Hood was not a safe one. Our policy in regards to people starting trouble around Hood is best summed up by the Hood's response after being hit in the crossfire: To remove the offending party from the Hood perimiter, by force. It is unfortunate you were not able to take guncams or positivily identify the perpetrators - without that information it will be difficult to take further action. I'll instruct our patrol craft to keep a closer eye around Hood, to try and mitigate any further trouble. Incidentally, why did you not simply dock onto Hood itself, and radio for some reinforcements?

Kind regards,
- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild.

**** Transmission Closed ****

From: BAF Ensign Archer Gaspar - Dieter Schprokets - 02-20-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Ensign Gaspar

Firstly please refrain from contacting third parties such as the IMG in the future. Do follow the chain of command.

Secondly, I commend your zeal in doing so. Your heart was in the right place, even if your protocol was unorthodox.

Thirdly, the Reavers are already to be killed on sight in Bretonia. No exceptions.

Fourth, it does appear the Reavers misused the IMG's hospitality. I do hope the Guild addresses that.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.