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Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Printable Version

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Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Lythor - 02-17-2011

Follow discussion in a previous thread and events in Kusari I decided to make a few changes to my character to avoid the situation arising again. The issue was over my carrying of software and flying a zoner cruiser in kusari space ( wasnt aware the ship it was illegal at the time).
Where would i stand rules wise using a Zoner gunboat with zoner guard IFF and using a researcher ID instead of a zoner one? I figure its quite obvious I am a zoner pilot with that IFF, can the researcher ID be reasonably assumed to mean I am a Zoner researcher and within rights to fly a zoner ship?

EDIT: The reason for Zoner guard iff and not normal zoner is that my character is based at corinth research station in the guard system.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Daedric - 02-17-2011;output=html

Researcher ID is green cell to Zoners. Meaning you could use it, if the Researcher ID allowed it. A quick check of the wiki shows it doesn't. The only gunboat you are allowed is the Kusari Explorer.

So no, you cannot use the ship/IFF/Id combo you want.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Lythor - 02-17-2011

Yeah I guess sticking to the rules by the letter thats the case. However could it not be argued that a Zoner researcher would fly a Zoner vessel and not a Kusari one? Especially considering their nature, the amount of researchable goods and research stations they have it seems rather limiting to be allowed one non faction vessel

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - darthbeck - 02-17-2011

A zoner researcher would probebly be flying with a zoner ID.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Daedric - 02-17-2011

' Wrote:Yeah I guess sticking to the rules by the letter thats the case. However could it not be argued that a Zoner researcher would fly a Zoner vessel and not a Kusari one? Especially considering their nature, the amount of researchable goods and research stations they have it seems rather limiting to be allowed one non faction vessel

You do not need the Researcher ID to role play a Zoner researcher, as darth said, you can do it fine with a Zoner ID. I'm not going to argue if a Zoner with a Researcher ID could fly the ship in role play or not. He probably could, point is per the rules you cannot. Use the Zoner ID.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Lythor - 02-17-2011

' Wrote:You do not need the Researcher ID to role play a Zoner researcher, as darth said, you can do it fine with a Zoner ID. I'm not going to argue if a Zoner with a Researcher ID could fly the ship in role play or not. He probably could, point is per the rules you cannot. Use the Zoner ID.

Fair do's :D

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Cond0r - 02-17-2011

A zoner gunboat with a zoner ID is prolly the best bet if you wanna RP a researcher, yea. You can fly almost anywhere, and since you're in a gunboat, the radiation in certain systems (like Omega 41) wont damage you that much if you decide to visit them.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Menkar - 02-17-2011

I thought he's using a Corvo Deep Space Explorer ... that's a Cruiser, not a gunboat.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Cond0r - 02-17-2011

Yeah, and hes asking about using a Zoner gunboat with certain ID's. Read the op.

Further clarification ( yep I'm back again) - Menkar - 02-17-2011

Than I do not get why he is asking the Kusari officials for a permition to use a Corvo in their space.
Okay, maybe he's thinking of a down-grade if they do not allow him to ...

Sorry to bother