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Abundance of OOC? - Printable Version

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Abundance of OOC? - TheEnd430 - 02-17-2011

Hello. I'm a new player to Discovery, though I've been part of some other Freelancer communities way back. I've also been roleplaying for years now and actively participate in RP in other games. I recently had an urge to try Freelancer again and after hearing good things about Discovery from friends I've made in other communities, I decided to give it a shot. However, there seems to be just as many people who are not RPers as there are RPers. Maybe I'm picking up on it wrong or just happen to be getting on at bad times, but most of the talk I see in system chat appears to be OOC (or has a complete lack of grammar). I've seen a few trade convoys and Liberty Navy players speak IC, but not many other than that.

So, with that in mind I have a couple questions. First, is this common or have I just been unlucky? Second, how do you handle situations such as pirates if they don't RP? I've not yet had it happen, but if a pirate is attempting to extort me while speaking solely out of character, am I obligated to listen? I ask this because I've seen red named players talking OOC in system chat.

Was just curious and was wondering if people could shed some light on this for me. Also, if this happens to be in the wrong section or something I apologize. A moderator can feel free to move it.

Abundance of OOC? - DarthBindo - 02-17-2011

OOC happens all the time in New York. Just ignore it, and sides, doesnt really matter if a pirate goes ooc on ye, the point is still to pay him.
Once you get out to Bretonia or Rheinland or the Edge, it gets a lot better.
The problem is that most if not all of the new players spawn in Liberty and then stay there.
That's why we call it Lolberty.

Abundance of OOC? - Dusty Lens - 02-17-2011

If you're coming from a real roleplaying environment this one will shock you. At least in my own experience, where no one ever broke character ever.

Disco does have rules to enforce the environment but, in short, it's very much so what you would consider an extremely casual environment where roleplay generally dictates engagement rights over conduct.

It's not your usual strict roleplay environment at all. I'm sure that's a shame really.

Abundance of OOC? - DarthBindo - 02-17-2011

' Wrote:It's not your usual strict roleplay environment at all. I'm sure that's a shame really.
[Image: fry.jpg]

Abundance of OOC? - Cond0r - 02-17-2011

Yes, ooc happens a lot. Especially in Liberty/Alpha/Gamma or in other places clustered with rather new players. For instance, hot mining spots like Dublin, Tau 23 or Omega 11/Omega 7. You can see ooc quite often, but again, not that often that it would completely ruin the mood.

Its also possible that you just had bad luck constantly running into these types.

Also, regarding to pirates .... It really depends what you consider to be "ooc" in their extortion. If he says something in the lines of "pay 2 mil or die" and nothing else, its still considered to be in character. But if he says "pay2milrdai lol xd" then its not, but you're probably still gonna have to pay because I presume hes going to blow you up if you dont (on the other side, you can report him for ooc).

And yeah, even if it appears as such, Disco isnt "RP Extreeme".

Abundance of OOC? - TheEnd430 - 02-17-2011

Thank you for the speedy replies. That clears up a few things. I can handle a more casual atmosphere, was just wondering if it was always that way. As for the pirates, I wonder if it would get me blown up if I take l33t speak IC. Hm... The amusement might be worth it.

Abundance of OOC? - Boss - 02-17-2011

When I pirate, I'm generally going to start with a fairly low price and build up based on how long my pigeon tries to run, scream for help, shoot me, or talk like a moron. My character is lazy. Anything that makes him do more work raises the price.

On the other hand, if you seriously impress me, that price drops like a rock. I've gone from wanting to pirate someone for several million to accepting a single unit of cargo and naming it Frank. Or 53 credits, or a tank, or three shoes...

Also, be careful around people that talk with *** in front of everything. Those are A) Keepers, B) Das Wilde, or C) Aoi Iseijin, and all three make people explode. (First is Nomads, second and third are faceraped hoomins)

Roleplay, and we'll roleplay with you.

Welcome to Discovery.

Abundance of OOC? - jxie93 - 02-17-2011

Stop playing in Liberty. If you're determined to stay there though, you'd have to develop a tollerance for idiocy aforementioned. Just because we don't enforce a strict roleplay environment doesn't mean you don't need to roleplay or roleplay with the least effort. Always play to the best of your ability and the results won't disappoint.

Abundance of OOC? - DarthBindo - 02-17-2011

Come to Dublin an' play a Molly.
We need more good RPers, and less "2mil ar dai".
You'll still have to deal with lolwuts, but at least you will get the satisfaction of flaming them into the void.

Abundance of OOC? - Decerebrated.Individual - 02-17-2011

I think its probably because Freelancer is pretty action based and attracts a different kind of audience than your average world of warcraft type game.

Many people started playing it for pvp, including some older members, not because they thought the role play possibilities in Freelancer were very immersive.

You got the people who role play, those that dont role play, and those that role play something that doesnt really fit in Freelancer.

The later category is probably attracted to Discovery because there are tons and tons of space-ship movies and very few space-ship role playing games. Thats why people tend to bring all of those movies into Freelancer... star wars, star trek, anime stuff, or just stuff that they role play because they have to role play something here, and find the role paly possibilities of vanilla Freelancer unattractive.