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The Day Journey - Printable Version

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The Day Journey - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 02-18-2011

I'm high for the first time...I feel deeper but have never been further away...Higher but so low...Cold but on fire...Happy but furious...Reborn but cradled in the arms of Mr. Grimm. Looking left but I know I'm right...About to fall but no ground to lie on or gravity for that matter...It's so noisy yet I'm having a conversation with this funny ass church mouse I just met...So hungry but I have no fork and spoon...You can strangle me but I never needed to breathe...I'm frigging thirsty yet I'm already drowning. If fish had jobs how would you fire them? Do they have recessions like us or is that what low tide is for them? Can lobsters catch crabs? Do crabs catch lobsters?

Why is it a roof if I'm looking up at the floor. Why are cars taking the train with me? Why are trains taking the plane? Why is the plane riding on the Staten Island ferry. Why is there a camel tailgating us? Why is it snowing? Santa Clause? Ahh, Rabbi. Maybe you can make sense of this...Oh, I see he's just here to drop of your new Yamaha How you gonna fit a 4x4 on your head? Oh "Yamaca." Why not just wear a cap? Oh it's not Kosher. But what do pickles have to do with hats? Oh you're going? I gotta go too. Let's roll.

My frown technically is upside down since my floor won't come down. But I'm not happy. So why can't I cry? My body is made up of 80% water. But if that's true why's my mouth dry? I love this song...too bad I'm deaf. But I can still hear you. You're plotting to take me out? You need to get past my bodyguard first, but wait, I'm the head of state. State? State of mind? I don't see it on the map. Oh wait! I found it, it's next to Duane Reade. But if it's Duane Reade why is he doing math? Why do we read math but don't calculate verbs? Why can't I sing the alphabet in numerical order? Why can't I divide lower case "m" by two 2 make "n?" Why are there "number sentences?"

How could you be afraid if death if you never lived? What cure is there for someone who's sick of life? If one doesn't fear death does it mean one can be scared to life? My life...My life...My life... Who is my life? What is my life? Where is my life? How is my life? Why is my life?

[Image: SpaceCadet_FlightRisk_30%201J.JPG]

My and my boy rolled this up yesterday. ****! First time too.