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To the LSF - Printable Version

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To the LSF - CommanderYamakazi - 02-20-2011

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You have attempted to infiltrate Kusari in the Kyushu System several weeks ago.

Now one of our intelligence assets caught two of your operatives on Kusari's side of the Kepler System, as you can see we own this side's Trade-Lanes and the Jumpgate connected to Shikoku.

If you are found within this territory once more, we will take it as an act of war and destroy your vessels on sight.

This evidence is being forwarded to the respective authorities of Kusari.

Attached File(s)

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Forever loyal to the Emperor.

[Image: kptlogo.png]

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To the LSF - Catbert - 02-20-2011

[Image: LSFINCheaderbasicV1.gif]
Firewall Status...Online
Verify Encryption Keys...[color=#66FFFF]Ok

Identification confirmed...Norman O'Connor Recognised
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[Image: Norman.jpg]
Initialise Transmission
Subject: [color=#66FFFF]So-called "infiltration"

[color=#FFFFFF] Mister Yamakazi, with all due respect I do not understand what you are actually accusing us of this time. Do you claim that the territory to the galactic north of Ames Research station (between the station and the jump gate, to be exact) to be Kusarian? Last I checked the system of Kepler was classified as "Independent", and the Republic of Liberty never claimed any area within that system to be Libertonian space, nor am I aware of such claims made by the Kusarian side.

If you are concerned with reasons of our presence in that area, I can understand that. Furthermore, I have no reason to conceal the purpose of our presence there. First of all, I'm sure that you are aware that Kepler system is some sort of a smuggling hub, therefore our presence there is necessary in order to prevent unwanted cargo from being delivered to Liberty space.

Our presence in the area at that specific time was caused by some other reason. The transport vessel in question (the one that was on the guncams) is an Ageira transport, which had come to Ames research station from Kusari space. The vessel had been badly damaged, and the captain said that he couldn't even make out who attacked it. We directed it to Colorado for repairs and decided to escort it to the Shikoku jump gate, in order to make sure that the ship would reach Kusari space. From there it falls under jurisdiction of your law-upholding organisations to keep it safe. Besides, the vessel was carrying jump gate and trade lane components. Would your government want such valuable cargo to be lost? Since there was a possibility of pirate attack, it was our duty to keep the vessel safe.

Again, there was no intent of using the jump gate on our side, we simply made sure that the vessel would deliver the expected cargo (that would be jump gate/trade lane parts) through Kepler to Kusari territory safely.

Norman O'Connor
Advisor of Special Operations
Liberty Security Force

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[Image: LSFINCfooterbasicV1.gif]

To the LSF - CommanderYamakazi - 02-20-2011

Establishing Secure Channel...
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The trade-lanes, and the Jumpgate on this side of the system belongs to the Kusari House, and as such the surrounding areas of said trade-lanes/jumpgate belongs to Kusari. Your operatives entered this area without permission, which means you trespassed it.

These are no accusations, these are facts. You were found once in the Kyushu System, your director or Liberty's Secretary of Defence even admitted to the "mistake" and promised the house of Kusari that said operative would be brought to face trial based on Kusari Laws. I have yet to see that happened.

However, any further responses will be made by either the Kusari Naval Forces Admiral or His Imperial Majesty of Kusari, this is outside my department.

For the Kyushu reference, please see the following report:

' Wrote:[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=small]During the safeguard of the Kyushu system to ensure maximal security for the honourable Emperor and the [classified], an LSF unit was spotted flying past Planet Kyushu. One of the Imperial Guards intercepted him and with combined forces we quickly neutralized the target. Even though it is an official matter that our house are having a meeting with the [color=#FF0000][classified] one, hostile spy units are still viewed as a direct threat to our house. This could be a sign of an [classified] being conducted by the [classified] in [classified]. Two [classified] will be dispatched shortly to monitor possible further activity conducted by the [classified].


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Forever loyal to the Emperor.

[Image: kptlogo.png]

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To the LSF - The Republic Of Liberty - 02-20-2011

Commander Yamakazi;

While I appreciate your zeal in strengthening and protecting the borders of the house which you serve, I must question your understanding of the term "independent" within the title, "independent worlds". As I'm sure you know, the independent worlds comprise of Bering, Hudson, Kepler, Galileo, Magellan and Cortez, which serve as buffers between the houses that they separate. For example, the Liberty Navy has a remit to patrol all of Magellan and Cortez, both of which border Bretonia, as do the Bretonian Armed Forces.

The last house to challenge the independence of two of these worlds, Rheinland, was met with a very lavish Naval reception. As has been the historical precedent, the forces are encouraged to maintain a presence in all of these worlds where possible to ensure both their continuing independence from the houses, and the safe transit of commercial shipping. If you wish to redraw the lines of a border, it needs to be done with more than an empty threat of violence; preferably dialogue and consensus.

Currently, the forces of Liberty patrol the independent worlds as and when they can. This wont change because you take exception; in fact, I encourage you to do the same. Security can only benefit from an increased, mutual presence of armed forces within the independent worlds, which often harbour the criminal element. I can understand, however, an unwillingness to do this from your end, due to the slow progression of your war with Bretonia.

With respect,

- Robert McKay, Secretary of State for Defence