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Keepers - ryoken - 02-21-2011

I think questions say it all. Not meant to flame,just curious is all.

Keepers - Boss - 02-21-2011

Odd thing was, I wrote my application after I was added to the faction.

Keepers - Akura - 02-21-2011

Well, I'd like to see the results.

The main reasons for closed and selective recruitment is,

1. Most Morphs don't 'get' the Keepers, and would end up roleplaying them really, really poorly.
2. Nomad RP is unlike any other RP, it requires practice and some knowledge of Nomad Lore.
3. Nomad Speech is a pain, and not many people can nail it.

If you do put enough thought and creativity into it, it's not hard to get in, just show you're smart and willing to learn, and take the tips you can get from Keepers.

The Keepers are more like a collection of Nomad indies who've been approved to fly, as oppose to a faction.

Keepers - BaconSoda - 02-21-2011

I'm a little apprehensive about having Nomad factions, honestly. It is very interesting, but understanding and playing out an inhuman thought process is a very difficult thing. I realized this after playing in the Wilde. It's one thing to have someone doing the whim of an alien as a human, but to play as an alien mind is really, really hard. So I guess what I am trying to say is having Nomad tech available to all would be a bad thing.

Keepers - Camtheman - 02-21-2011

Quote:2. Nomad RP is unlike any other RP, it requires practice and some knowledge of Nomad Lore.

Uhm... All RP requires practice and 'some' knowledge of X lore.

Especially Kusari RP...

Keepers - Fletcher - 02-21-2011

Never applied, though after the latest topic I am more interested on joining while I still can.

Though I will post this image again for my sanity:
[Image: th_be_nice_or_leave.jpg]

Interested to see the results though.

EDIT: While I remember, keep Nomad equipment in the hands of the Nomads, I can remember gunboats flying all over the Omicrons and Taus with Nom weapons. It was not fun for me.

Keepers - ryoken - 02-21-2011

Now again i am going on old data/knowledge. In 4.84 i flew the light fighter that was open to all,and played as a nomad recruit/young nomad. I tagged along with some Keepers,i was told i did well,and they would put good word in for me. All i got back was and i quote " the other guys do not like you,and don't care how good/bad you RP/speak" You say they are gone now,so i will not disagree,as i never knew who most Keepers were/are.
I gave up after that,because i figured it was pointless. Like any other faction. It is a group,and only way to join said group is be liked by them.
Thing is with a group like Keepers. You cannot be an Indie,and use the gear,and this causes some to become angry with the group. Not saying this is Keepers only. Wild,and SCRA are similar. They have special gear,and ships only they can use(i should make a poll on those to). I think this hatred is more the admins/devs fault,then the Keepers really. That is 1 reason i started poll.
I do hope it does not turn to flame though. Like you i really want to see the numbers.

Keepers - Daedric - 02-21-2011

Never applied so I've never been rejected. No I don't think their tech needs to be more public. Their tech isn't balanced like public tech is, so I'd prefer it to remain in their hands.

I rather enjoy the rare sightings of a Marduk, even if it is killing me. I wish the Jinkusu was as rare.

Keepers - lw'nafh - 02-21-2011

Never bothered to apply, I'm find with Wild. And no, their gear should stay as-is.

Keepers - ryoken - 02-21-2011

' Wrote:ryoken it's not really a surprise if people don't like you if you were acting the same way a few years ago.

Off topic,but i will respond as nice as possible.
In game i play a character. I try to play it as accurate to vanila as possible. Forums are where i vent,argue,complain,and as you and many say piss people off.
You would be surprised how many in game are surprised when they find out who i am,and state i am 2 completely different people in game,and out.

I would bet no one here(other then admins) would know any of my chars other then Yorktown,and Obviously my fighter Also named Ryoken. And i have 31 chars.

Now please. back on topic. I would like this poll to run its course without flames/trolls and what not.