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to: Order Admirality - Printable Version

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to: Order Admirality - Valek - 02-21-2011

Incoming Transmission
Name: Ambassador Valek
Captain of the Caduceus
Location: Omicron 74
S°LVL: Commander

Dear Order leadership,

Ambassador Valek of the ORI here.

I will keep this brief:

After we have discovered that we have the same enemies yesterday, the ORI want to offer you their support against the SCRA.

I hope we can lay down our friction.

Valek out

::::Transmission Terminated::::

to: Order Admirality - Tommeh - 02-21-2011

[Image: akef7s.png][color=#FFFFFF]
[color=#99FF99]Good day Captains
In normal situation I would not bother reading your message,
as your recent stunts that you pulled out around Minor/Alaska with your juggernauts were frightening,
and total opposites of how Order works, but as we both found ourselfes now in unpleasent situations,
we will take your offer into consideration and inform you with our decision soon enough.

[Image: 29wk7is.png]