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Server and forum outages - Printable Version

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Server and forum outages - Cannon - 02-22-2011

We've been hit by a couple of DoS attacks in the last day or so. These have interrupted the operation of the server and forum. Not much we can do about these at the moment. We've passed the information onto the various police contacts we have and will see if anything happens.

Server and forum outages - Vizzini - 02-22-2011

That sucks, I hate when people do that. Its immature, dumb and selfish.
I doubt the authority can do anything, but good luck.

Server and forum outages - Ocampo - 02-23-2011

Sure they can, in most countries that is Illegal...

So, in turn, you get arrested...

Server and forum outages - AeternusDoleo - 02-23-2011

Depends if it's a DoS or DDoS. Distributed denial of service is typically done through a number of proxies (a botnet usually) and with the commands coming top-down, those can be hard to trace back to their controller. Someone abusing their own connection however, is fair game.

Server and forum outages - Fletcher - 02-23-2011

Whoever it is... Well hehe if I type how I feel I'd be arrested. Don't screw around with other people's fun!

Server and forum outages - n00bl3t - 02-23-2011

I am surprised this does not have more posts.

Server and forum outages - ryoken - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:Whoever it is... Well hehe if I type how I feel I'd be arrested. Don't screw around with other people's fun!

I hear what your saying. I can think of many bad things i would do to them. You just know it is some kid who was probly banned for not playing nice,and this is their idea of revenge.

Server and forum outages - Cannon - 02-23-2011

To clarify they were distributed attacks. Not a huge deal, just a pain in the butt.

Server and forum outages - Akura - 02-23-2011

More of an itch you can't quite scratch away.

Like a pesky, measly, pathetic fly. So like the people that caused them. :mellow:

Server and forum outages - Zukeenee - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:I am surprised this does not have more posts.
I think we're just used to it by now. After all, the server is still playable and the forums are still postable. Many people probably aren't even aware of the problem.