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The Story of Seven. Survivors of Oltenia. - Printable Version

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The Story of Seven. Survivors of Oltenia. - SMI-Great.Fox - 02-23-2011

[Image: arXhNrR.jpg]

~ System Epsilon Canis Majoris
~ Planet Oltenia - 438 P.C. // Planetary Calendar
~ Foxglovakia Government Chambers


"Senator Grazzley, I understand your fears on the cost for the planned launch of the Adhara but you must realize that these costs will be a water droplet in the proverbial bucket to what we'll gain from such. We know that we're already way over our budget by a footnote, but if we launch as we are there could be serious consequences for the safety of all those on board. We wont be the ones responsible for the loss of nearly twelve hundred lives Senator, we simply will not." The old marble stones of the Senate shown brightly as the clear skies of Oltenia shown overhead through the protective glass dome that covered the ancient assembly. The small crowd of men and women of several species kept quiet as the golden furred speaker looked up towards his accuser. Pointing down from him from the fifth row up stood a foot and a half tall feline of white and grey. "Your actions so far Sir Brettonias have cost our citizens nearly Thirty-Nine Trillion Jexes this season alone, and in three seasons we've had to cut back major spending planet wide to much needed services on what a good portion of those present here today call a waste of good faith within the scientific council you represent. If it were not for your father being head of this senate, this project would never have started to begin with!." The old man cast out his arms and turned to both sides of the chamber. "I hear by propose a vote to begin final preparations for the launch of the Adhara. All those in favor?" And within moments nearly every hand, paw and appendage rose upwards, excluding Brettonias as his ears curled back in a show of anger and resentment. "The vote is decided. The Adhara will launch at the end of the week with you Sir Brettonias. I suggest you make haste." And with that the fox turned on his boot heel, grumbling towards the exit as the council grew once more full of subtle chatter of the rest of the session, meeting up with a trio of his friends that had awaited him.

You did everything you could Bret, no one will say otherwise.", came from the words of the taller of twin felines that followed him, virtually slamming his feet into the cold stones until they reached a pair of seamless doors that had opened quietly as all four of them walked through. "That darn cat needs to have his face shaved bare though if yah ask me." came from Feya, trying her best to lighten the mood as a louder grumble came from Brettonias. Seeing as her sister's joking had only made things worse, Evyn gave a slight smack to the back of Feya's head, causing her to yelp in surprise and shock as she rubbed the hit mark, much to the amusement of the large grey canine behind them. As they exited through the noise of busy secretaries and personnel grew about them, suddenly a rush of several people with waving instruments meaning of a terrible fate. The Press.

"Sir Brettonias! A moment of your time!"
"Does your father express concern over the Senate's vote?"
"Will the Adhara be safe for all those who volunteered to join its crew?"
"What are you going to do about the reports of starvation on the southern zone of Sorcia if this turns out to be a wild Goose chase?"
"Who you calling a wild goose yah mutt?!"
"Is it true that there will be those of the Foxglovakian military on board the Adhara?"

The last question drew attention of the larger canine, Daniel, one of Bret's closest friends as he stepped forward to address the crowd. "On a matter of security, there will be at least one hundred members of the Foxglovakian Armed forces on board the Adhara, as well as several squads of Sovereign, Sorcia, Lietzia, and Tuurmet for joint defense if we meet anything hostile. Right now Senate leader Sparrowhawk has not stated anything on the matter of the vote by Senator Grazzley of Tuurnmet. We are sure that the Adhara will finally answer the question of if we are alone in our section of Sia's Cradle or not. The Adhara will launch in several days with our faith in them as well. That is all I will answer in name of Sir Brettonias, now if you don't mind we have other business to address." And with he began to lead the way for the trio behind him making past the continued noises and shouts of questions being thrown about until they reached a long silver vehicle and stepped inside. As they entered, another canine similar to Daniel followed her gaze to each of them present, keeping quiet until the door had shut and they had begun to drive away from the senate building. "For once show some spine in your fight Brettonias. The whole senate could probably smell your fear and anger the whole time present, I didn't need a holovid to prove me that. Brettonias pointed a finger at her in return. "Look Agatha. Foxglovakia and Lietzia may not be at each others throats like the Foren Conflict several years ago but don't think I'll just sit back and let you talk to me in that tone cause we're at peace. Folding his arms he slumped back into his seat as she turned quiet and simply smiled, knowing she had won that conflict. Watching the scenery flow by his window, Brettonias couldn't help but ponder for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a small device, tapping on it a few times. Looking down at it, the face of large eared fennec showed on the screen, bustled with the noise of metalworking behind him. "I heard Bret. I heard. Already yelled at the crew about the shortened deadline. We already have notices from our esteemed boys in black sending shipments of munitions up here from Port Coora. Seriously where in the name of Sia am I going to put a half dozen walkers?

"Charles. It's not my call on this one."
"Yah think?"
"What else is being sent up?'
"Oh you know. Big shiny toys for all of us to play with."
"Alright. Your boys sent me a few of those light walkers. You know the ones about three of yahs tall and packs a punch, and the hangar now has a good dozen of Veritas Atmospheric fighters. Geez we going to fight a war here or those fuzzers in Tuurmet enjoy flying so much?"
"Anything else I should be concerned about?"
"Aside from that damn space gate on the other side of Mora? Oh nothing. Send me some snacks, I'm dyin' here."


~ Hao'lik Grand Harbor - Planet Oltenia - 3 Days Later - Onboard the F.E.V. Adhara

[Image: bf13012b9529653a3152daceb7209a2a.jpg]

"What do you mean they want to move up the launch date to 17:00 today!? They cut us off a full cycle from our launch date and now they want to move it to today!?" A very angry spoken Brettonias stood haunched over the bridge console, clearly baring his fists out of view as he continued to speak to the robed elder figure onscreen. "Senator Foxglove... We can't do this. We're not fully stocked on basic materials let alone fully fueled up. We'd last only a few months in space instead of the two years we planned out.. We can't do this and bow to a bunch of uneducated old farts when we have so much on the line here!.." He took a bit of a pause as he let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head about slowly before looking down in dismay. "Father.. Try to convince them to please give us more time.." The silver figure shook his head again before giving a few words.. "I'm sorry son. This is out of my hands. I'll be coming on board within the next few hours to see you off." The screen went blank, and for several moments, nothing but pure silence filled the room. Outside in the hall was a different story, with Evyn and Feya walking down towards his chambers all of a sudden heard yells and items being thrown about, making them stop in their tracks.

"Uhm...Come back later?"
"Come back later..."

And with that they both turned around and began moving back down the hall where they came, a lil quicker in their steps. Within his quarters, Brettonias hunched over the console in rage, his breathing heavy from his sense being pulled in multiple directions as his head lowered, beginning to shake in anger before slowly returning to calm. "Fine then..."

The ceremony that came followed with fanfare from all across the planet, speeches from Senators on the tremendous occasion and the pinnacles of creating a united project for the benefit for all. But even with his colleagues, Brettonias knew that things behind the scenes were not as they seemed, troubled by the restrictions and cuts in supplies that would affect the lives of all on board. As the speeches came and droned on, the clock had chimed down until it was his turn to speak, slowly walking to the podium as he looked at the many thousands that stood upon the beach heads and barriers around the giant craft.

"Good afternoon. The Goddess Sia long ago came and with her strength gave rise to all of us. Each of us different. Giving us many strengths and weaknesses. Of the physical and of the mind. We have come a long way since the days of the Floren Rebellion, the War of Ages, the Silence of Strife. And most recently the conflict of Tuurmet. Which resulted in the deaths of countless souls. It was on that night many seasons ago that the darkness of the night was pierced in the heavens by the light of one of Sia's grand constructs as it shown us the error of our ways. And in the time that followed, we have come together to build what now holds the promise of the thousands on board to glimpse into the unknown. We know not what we will face, but we know that together we have the means and the strength to put aside our differences even if for a time, to follow a path offered to us by Sia herself. And together we shall give meaning to our labors before her." As he finish, a grand cheer erupted from the masses, Brettonias slowly pulled away from the podium, turning towards the senators behind him, including his father.

"That was a fine speech young one. Your mother would be proud to see you this day.
"I miss her father.. I wish you two had stayed together long enough to see this.
"She had the right to do what she did, bless her small frame that we still had you..
"I know.... I know.. Hopefully this brings good tidings on this journey. We'll try to be back soon in one piece.

The pair looked at each other for a moment before Brettonias's father opened his arms, beckoning him close before embracing his son. "Stay safe and may Sia protect you. Brettonias slowly pulled away and rubbed his face as he tried not to cry before him. "May your path be peaceful father." Each of them knew that they would not see each other for some time, unknowing that it would possibly be the last for them both. As they parted, Brettonias's small liaison of familiar faces began to board upon the nearby shuttle adjacent to the speaking platform, each quiet as its overhead door creaked shut, followed by a heavy lurch as they began to stretch over the bay of the harbor towards the majestic craft of silver and white. Within its landing bay were columns of troops from five nations in marching processions being viewed by several floating cameras, showing off their nations flags as the shuttle finally came to a landing, and giving a full salute as the group began to disembark.
"I still think this is an overreach of the Guard, Daniel.." said Brettonias, giving a returning salute towards the troopers as they walked. "Viser Frieum gave me my orders on this. Joint actions show support of unity to the people." came from the large canine as the heavy thuds of a four legged mechanical walker made their way towards them, its hatch quickly opening to the sight of Charles, having a bit of a laugh as he flexed in the harness holding him inside. "Eeey watcha think? You sure I can't have one of these to show off the lassies in medica.." He never got the finish his jolt of comedy as Daniel cut him off. "Headmaster Tidum.. Get out of that walker.." "Come on Commander, just a brief str.." interjected Charles, once again cut off. "Now." The Fennec took the notion with a grunt as he began to unstrap himself, powering down the walker before jumping down, simply handing over a datapad to Brettonias as he shook his head. "The remaining supplies will be loaded within the hour. We're completing final checks as we got a mass shipment last night. I'm tired and busting my tail here for being awake for the past three sunfalls. We got enough to last us about most of a cycle instead of two. You can thank your father. He really pulled some last minute strings to get us this. And we have three ag blocks sent to us to help with long term food supplies.." "And our fuel?" was spoken as Brettonias looked through the list of supplies loaded on so far. With a moment of hesitation, Charles let out a bit of a dismal answer. "Well we got fueler barge still loading us even during all the speeches, but. Well. We'll get all our launching fuel, however we wont have full tanks when we make orbit. Sorcia's government sent us one of their micro refineries but it wont be enough to make a second planetary launch if we need to. So in other words if we make planet fall, we're stuck till we either get or make more."

The Story of Six... - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-05-2011

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RE: The Story of Six... - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-10-2016

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