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To The Virulian Enclave Leadership - Printable Version

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To The Virulian Enclave Leadership - Doc Holliday - 02-25-2011

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Personal quarters, [TAZ]Ambassador's.Ark
To: VE Leadership
CC: Gabriel Caudill, James Ferguson
Encryption: Unbreakable

Kallisti, Enclave,

I am sending this transmission on authorization of Mr. James Ferguson of the Omicroners and Mr. Gabriel Caudill of the Omicron Supply Incorporated. My only regret is that I am not sending it under better circumstances.

The three of us just finished a conference at Freeport XV from which I am flying home from. During that time, we spoke about a problem that I do believe you have encountered, the many ships tagged as the ORI. They have done much to disrupt our lives and caused much grief to many around them to include the Enclave.

The Enclave has earned the trust of all Zoners in the time we've known each other and proven to be great friends. In many ways we're different but in many others, we are the same. We all value peace and friendship and it is a common value that has become the foundation of us all. You vowed to protect Omega 49 and the Zoner way. You have done that admirably and have even shed blood to do it as evidenced by your recent losses on Gran Canaria.

You also know that with the fall of the Zoner Alliance awhile back that there is no central Zoner body to make Zoner law and keep a defensive force there. This is a problem. What we are asking is that the Enclave continue doing what it has always done, look after and protect Gran Canaria, Omega 49 and all that is in it. The ORI have proven that they cannot be trusted nor can they properly use Zoner tech. Already they have the Bounty Hunters Guild, the Corsairs and the SCRA after them. For that reason, they are NOT welcome in Omega 49, not until they change their ways and prove themselves!
We aren't asking you to hunt them. What we are asking is that, as I previously mentioned, that you preserve the Zoner way of life in Omega 49. Use your judgment in how to do this.
Should you need supplies or equipment to help you, do let us know.

I will be continuing my trip for a couple of more stops but will be happy to speak with you upon my return to Tombstone.
Mr. Caudill, Mr. Ferguson, if I have left anything out of this transmission, please feel free to add it.

Yours in Eris,

Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator

To The Virulian Enclave Leadership - exlibrismortis - 02-25-2011

[Image: nashidatrans.png]

Kallisti esteemed Ambassador Holliday.

Let it be know to all the members of the great three Zoner factions that it saddens and pains the Enclave at a whole to see our redeeming angels so hurt. The anguish and the pain of your suffering, a suffering of not blood, but emotion and resolve is met by a compassion of our own. We too have been monitoring the situation revolving the people known as the ORI, and all the trouble they have caused. The blemishes on the Zoner name.

For we do not forget that it was not long ago that the Zoners were in deep conflict. For we do not forget that we were there with you. For we do not forget your kindness in all you all have shown to us.

It is quite troubling that another obstacle has been placed in our collective paths so quickly, but it seems that we are to be tried and tested further, that we may continue onwards towards eternal perfection. For if the refiner's fire burn hotter, and brighter, then purer shall the final product be.

We hear the request of the Zoners and we will take it deeply to heart. Share the yoke of your burden with us and we will rear you up. Allow us to continue on your trail of tears, and we shall secure a triumphant victory. We shall send a fire of our own, but not a refiner's fire, but a cleansing fire.

May we take but a single step closer towards the repayment of a debt that can never be repaid.

May the Creator watch over you all.

[Image: nashidaendtrans.png]