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To Ageira Technologies - Printable Version

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To Ageira Technologies - Altejago - 02-26-2011

>>> Transmission to Ageira Technologies <<<

G'day folks,

Pr. Jess Doe was taking a path to the Taus earlier today, routing through Kusari space, purchasing a new company vessel. She came across a civilian ship, Firefly class, and the pilot had a mere civilian class endorsement. She found this a most unnerving incident beyond any belief. The dangers that the pilot faces, and his future fertility, being that close to such radioactivity is astounding and brought our Madam President to ask him to drop the cargo, for his own good.

However we realise this is beyond our company parameters, and have left him be with the parts, as a certain Kusari authority thought he knew best and decided she was pirating. This uninformed accusation has undoubtedly endangered that persons life.

Here are the limited guncam shots that were retrieved from Pr. Does vessel of the incident:

GCS - 001
GCS - 002
GCS - 003

We will leave this matter in your hands.

Your faithfully

John Doe
Chief of Departments
Deep Space Engineering

To Ageira Technologies - Echo 7-7 - 02-26-2011


To: DSE Chief John Doe
From: Ageira VP Thaddeus Gideon

Mr Doe,

We are extremely thankful of your prompt presentation of this evidence to us.
Should such an incident happen again, this is the best course of action to take.

Many thanks,

Thaddeus Gideon
Vice President
Ageira Technologies