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What do YOU want from a faction? - Printable Version

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What do YOU want from a faction? - Henry320 - 02-26-2011

What do YOU want from a faction?

A question to the community, just curious what makes the best faction. Go in detail. Some examples:
  • Being able to pirate
  • Being able to trade
  • Being able to shoot *Insert Faction*
  • Being able to visit *System*
  • RPing a businessmen.
  • RPing a soldier
  • RPing a criminal.
  • A good rank structure.
  • Good members
  • A small/large amount of members.
  • Being paid (Salary)
  • Lots of combat.
  • Lots of trading.
  • Having many enemies
  • Can dock anywhere.
  • Can use *Insert Ship/Weapon*
  • Is mainly in *Insert House*
  • A large variety of possibilities, Mining/Trading/Fighting in one faction.
  • Having Capital ships
  • Collecting bounties
  • Being Official/Unofficial
  • Can do Legal and Illegal stuff.

You get the idea, I hope. That was a example above, you will think of much more.

  • Being able to PvP a lot.
  • A large variety of possibility. (Trade/Fight)
  • Good, dedicated members.
  • A good rank structure and promotion system.
  • Lots of neat and propper forum RP.
  • Being able to go to the Omicrons.

What do YOU want from a faction? - SnakThree - 02-26-2011

Good guys in the faction, interesting RP in-game.

[sarcasm]Have a chance to call other members nubs and not be punished[/sarcasm]

Good guys in the faction, interesting RP in-game.

[sarcasm]Have a chance to call other members nubs and not be punished[/sarcasm]

What do YOU want from a faction? - dodike - 02-26-2011

Good members, it's all about the team.

What do YOU want from a faction? - VoluptaBox - 02-26-2011

' Wrote:Good members, it's all about the team.

If you got that, anything else will be easy.

What do YOU want from a faction? - Slartibartfast - 02-26-2011

' Wrote:Good members, it's all about the team.

True. That, and at least relatively active enviroment.

What do YOU want from a faction? - Ntei - 02-26-2011


What do YOU want from a faction? - Toaster - 02-26-2011


Good RP background
RP-capable (non-noob) members
Many members
Many possibilites (trade/fight etc)

What do YOU want from a faction? - 'Ends' - 02-26-2011

Killing Junkers should be a daily routine.
/sarcasm off
I just want a faction which hasn't been consumed by idiocy.Respect.Consideration for others...Well, as long as it doesn't ruin the gameplay of others.

What do YOU want from a faction? - Vito - 02-26-2011

' Wrote:Good members, it's all about the team.

This. Anything else is secondary

What do YOU want from a faction? - Panzer - 02-26-2011

Many, active, getting along with each-other and lulz.