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Transmission to the Liberty Authorities - Printable Version

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Transmission to the Liberty Authorities - qwertypp7 - 02-27-2011

--- Incoming Transmission ---

Comm ID: Amaraki
Location: [ERROR - Locator beacon scrambled]
Subject: Notification of intent


After the events of today I have made the decision to begin hostilities against the honourless organizations of the Liberty Navy and the Liberty Security Force.

For some time I have been operational in Liberty, sometimes even fighting alongside the Navy and Security Forces against their enemies, but recent events have forced me to re-evaluate my position. After seeing several incidents where Navy and LSF vessels threatened to fire on civilians and researchers, I can stand as a 'lawful' mercenary in Liberty no longer.

Today I came across an LSF siege cruiser and two Navy fighters interrogating a civilian researcher on grounds of 'treason' threatening to destroy her vessel. When I interjected to calm the situation, I faced nothing but insults and threats of violence before all three vessels opened fire on my fighter.

Consider the two fighters I destroyed to be but the first of many to come.

You will die by my hand until honour and justice are restored to the citizens of Liberty.

Amaraki out.

--- End Transmission ---

Transmission to the Liberty Authorities - Jeremy Hunter - 02-27-2011

[Image: miranda-lawson-mass-effect-2.jpg]
COMM ID: Alexis Hunter
LOCATION: LNS Thalia Grace


Get in line.

And how about blaming those three craft, and not the entire organizations?

Commander Hunter Out.

Transmission to the Liberty Authorities - Kiith - 02-27-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Decrypting Signal....
Signal decrypted
[Image: yoshinokimika.jpg]
Comm ID: Kaisuke Jashin
Location: Planet Manhattan

Konnichiwa Amaraki-San, Konnichiwa to all freedom fighters of Liberty and Konnichiwa to the righteous Navy *rolls with her eyes*

but I am not here to hand out compliments.
I am here to tell the Liberty authorities that there something seems to go wrong.

It is a fine line between defending the laws of a nation and serving an almost absolutist System.
And it was me who almost got shot down by a LSF cruiser, two times! And only because I was curios and wanted to tell my political opinion.
Even if there is the risk to get killed from agents while I am sleeping, I will do it again.

The government got fat, lazy and corrupt over the last years, and the only thing the Liberty forces can do is demnding credits from poor traders to finance their operations and fighting those who give their lifes for a free and righteous house. It is almost the same like in Kusari. I had to leave because in this regions I count as a political criminal, almost as a terrorist!
I cant help the noble Blood Dragons like my brother, because I am not made for this, but as long as there are Problems in the world, there will be people who solve this problems. If necessary by violence.

I want to qoute my father. Once he said:
"When law becomes unlawful, rebellion will be a duty"

Enough from my side, I'm sure a Liberty officer cant wait to give an answer.

Kaisuke out.

>>>Transmission end<<<
Link closed

Transmission to the Liberty Authorities - Jeremy Hunter - 02-27-2011


' Wrote:
[Image: miranda-lawson-mass-effect-2.jpg]
COMM ID: Alexis Hunter
LOCATION: LNS Thalia Grace


Get in line.

And how about blaming those three craft, and not the entire organizations?

Commander Hunter Out.