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Rheinland Military News & Advancment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military News & Advancment - cluke1 - 02-27-2011

May 9th. RMB (Rheinland Military Battleship) Othmar. and RMCR ( Rhienland military Carrier) AdalWolf. Both advanced on the texas system. (Mission statement)... Take control of IP-Shugarland then sieze control of planet housten. (Mission Debriefing)... Othmar & AdalWolf Advaned and took control of IP-shugarland at 2200 hours. 2230 PM Advancment on housten begins After a sucsessful Seize of the planet Housten. 30 minutes into the bombardment resorces ran low and back up never came retreat was our only option. In othmars retreat, AdalWolf covered Othmars retreat. In the retreat RMB Othmar was cut of by a Liberty Navy Crusier Patrol Cutting RMB's Engines depleating his power loosing all weapons. Crippled RMB Called for backup. I jumped out of cruise destroying two cruisers and a gunboat. 2300 hours we made our advancment back to rheinland controled starspace. Thus ending our first Advancment on the Liberty navy. The Liberty Navy took a toll of 49 fighters, 8 cruisers, and 5 battleships 6 gunboats, civilian losses were to be consididered colateral damage and not on record, in the advancment and one total hour of all of texas trade lanes shut down. Next Advancement Is schedualed May 12th 2012 at 0700 hoursAM.