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ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER JAILED - Dieter Schprokets - 02-27-2011

QTM|Lancer has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:

Quote:6.2 Ship and equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible.

The following chart is an official guideline of ship and weapon use on the official Discovery Server :

All characters using mismatched ID/Ship/Weapon combinations must possess either an Admin granted Terrorist ID or a Special Operative ID.

Consequences: In Bastille. Cannot have Junker ID, IFF, and a Bretonian Gunboat.

Tell us what you are going to fly, that makes sense as a Junker, and we'll let you out to get that ship.

Admin Link to Report

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER JAILED - Bob_White - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:QTM|Lancer has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:
Consequences: In Bastille. Cannot have Junker ID, IFF, and a Bretonian Gunboat.

Tell us what you are going to fly, that makes sense as a Junker, and we'll let you out to get that ship.

Admin Link to Report

First of all, sorry for my offence, I was not aware of this as I didn't pay full attention when reading the rules.
Also, I'm not sure what ship I can get as a Junker could someone please list the factions I would be able to purchase ships from legally and could someone perhaps recommend a balanced combatant role ship within my price range?

Sorry again and thanks.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER JAILED - Dieter Schprokets - 03-03-2011

The junker bomber, is big, and ugly, and nasty.

Kinda like the Bret GB..

If you want we can beam you to a selling location.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER JAILED - Bob_White - 03-03-2011

' Wrote:The junker bomber, is big, and ugly, and nasty.

Kinda like the Bret GB..

If you want we can beam you to a selling location.

That would do, would also be awesome if you can beam me some extra cash :P Not really.
Beaming me to the buying location would do if you could please. Thanks.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER JAILED - Dieter Schprokets - 03-04-2011


Posting here to remind myself to do that.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER JAILED - Dieter Schprokets - 03-05-2011

You will now find yourself at the place selling the Junker Bomber.