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Priority to ID or IFF? - Printable Version

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Priority to ID or IFF? - James.Caan - 02-28-2011

I've been noticing a lot of pirate ID'd craft flying around with Freelancer IFF's meaning to lawfuls they show up as green or white at 13k away and need to be within 4k (depending on your scanner!) before you get any idea of their status.

This suggests to me that the colour a craft shows up on your radar is based on IFF not ID. Shouldn't it be based on ID? It seems every pirate now nips to the Barrier as soon as they've bought their ID to buy a few Freelancer bribes to fool potential victims until they are on top of them. Surely having a pirate ID with a Freelancer IFF is mismatch, like having a Liberty Navy ID with and Order IFF? Shouldn't a pirate ID'd craft always show up as red on a lawful ID'd craft irrespective of anything else?

Or am I missing the infinite subtlety of interepretation of the server rules once more? :crazy:

Priority to ID or IFF? - Virus - 02-28-2011

Freelancers work for themselves.

Pirate who works for himself, Freelance Pirate.

This is very common.

Priority to ID or IFF? - VoluptaBox - 02-28-2011

Indeed. I think it's an elegant way to give the following idea: you can't know if one is friendly or hostile, until he shows his intentions. I have pirate id'd ships, who don't pirate. I think there've been discussions about this, wether a pirate id'd ship should be attacked by lawful forces just because of the id. In fact, unlike other id's, such as rog, hacker etc, the generic pirate can't be attacked, unless caught committing a crime.

Correct me if I'm wrong, tho <.<

Priority to ID or IFF? - MarvinCZ - 02-28-2011

What Virus said.
Also, the colour on your HUD is from the IFF, becasue of game mechanics we can't really change. It doesn't matter much, because we don't do "Red is Dead" here. You don't engage someone just because he is red on your scanner. You also don't treat him as a friend just because he shows green.
People are judged by their ID, with IFF being only secondary (especially for generic IDs).

Edit: And about treating Pirate IDs... I usually act the way described here when on my BAF. They are suspected, but not a target until proven guilty.

Priority to ID or IFF? - Disco - 02-28-2011

ID's exist out of RP.

The only way you can punish them for pirating is if:
They have pirate weapons/ships.
They are committing a crime.
They are a known pirate.

Priority to ID or IFF? - dodike - 02-28-2011

Don't trust freelancers.

Priority to ID or IFF? - James.Caan - 02-28-2011

' Wrote:In fact, unlike other id's, such as rog, hacker etc, the generic pirate can't be attacked, unless caught committing a crime.

Correct me if I'm wrong, tho <.<

I think you're wrong! :)

I have a character with a DSE ID which states "May also actively hunt Independent Pirate ID players.".

'Actively hunt' suggests to me anyone with a Pirate ID is fair game, provided I correctly RP prior to the kill?

Priority to ID or IFF? - VoluptaBox - 02-28-2011

' Wrote:I think you're wrong! :)

I have a character with a DSE ID which states "May also actively hunt Independent Pirate ID players.".

'Actively hunt' suggests to me anyone with a Pirate ID is fair game, provided I correctly RP prior to the kill?

As Disco, said, you can hunt him if he haves ties with other pirate factions, or has committed some crime.

Example, I have a pirate id sabre, with civilian guns. I never committed a crime in that ship, despite the pirate id. Attacking me, imo, is pvp abuse. (unless there is a good reason, ofc)

Priority to ID or IFF? - James.Caan - 02-28-2011

' Wrote:As Disco, said, you can hunt him if he haves ties with other pirate factions, or has committed some crime.

Example, I have a pirate id sabre, with civilian guns. I never committed a crime in that ship, despite the pirate id. Attacking me, imo, is pvp abuse. (unless there is a good reason, ofc)

Can you point me to where this is written, as it contradicts my DSE ID please? My DSE ID doesn't say I can hunt pirate ID's as long as they have done other things, or have certain weapons etc, etc, it just says I may actively hunt pirate ID's.

Pilot carrying this ID is employed by Deep Space Engineering, who :

* Can trade and escort traders,
* Can lawfully transport Gate/Lane parts,
* Can attack pirates and terrorists in self-defense, to protect another trader, to assist lawful forces or in defence of corporate bases. May also actively hunt Independent Pirate ID players.
* Cannot ally with any unlawfuls,
* Cannot participate in any unlawful actions, except against Rheinland lawfuls and Rheinland commercial factions.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports.

Priority to ID or IFF? - 'Ends' - 02-28-2011

But how do you roleplay it out?How do you prove he is an ''independent pirate''?Sure you can say that it's because of his ID but you still need to roleplay to initiate an attack.If you say in local ''You have a Pirate ID, I'm going to kill you.", you might be regarded as breaking the rules via metagaming/OOC.
Edit: Damn,can't phrase it better,but you need a good reason to attack somebody for the roleplay to flow well.