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The future of mining? - Printable Version

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The future of mining? - Cannon - 03-02-2011

Due to constant complaints about the player behaviour problems that mining causes, I've turned it off. I guess you can consider this a trial. If player behaviour gets better it will remain off.

Back to new york everybody.

The future of mining? - Markus_Janus - 03-02-2011

This is so not the way to deal with it.
Makes me sad, and I hate mining.

The future of mining? - Anonymous User - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Back to new york everybody.

Ye one of the places where you will find more "problem-players" instead in dublin for example

no solution cannon.

we only will get rid of some players - maybe. but not only "bad" ones.

so the lolwut/nowut balance will be still the same

problems will be just spreaded a bit

The future of mining? - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 03-02-2011

Turn it back on, but add other mining spots that are just as profitable as Dublin/o7/t23, to spread everyone around and lower the ratio of new players to experienced players in the mining areas, and as such increase the level of integration between new players and experienced players.

What I mean by this is; Currently there are (or were) about a dozen or so mining spots, however, all but 3 were not very profitable, hence everyone got concentrated in those three systems, causing the levels of stupid behaviour to rise, all that needs to be done is that mining spots other than the ones in t32, o7 and Dublin need to be buffed to a similar profitability, to spread everyone out. Nerfing or removing the mining mod will have the same effect, but it will also kill several factions that rely on the activity/money it brings to function.

Edit: Also, more diverse sell-points are needed, for example, gold only sells in New York, which is silly, as Detroit munitions is not the only station in Sirius that can process gold ore, or needs gold ore. The same is true for all other ores. IMO, each ore should have at least 1 sellpoint in each House, and perhaps an unlawful one or two for groups like the Corsairs/Outcasts, which are mini-Houses. This will yet further spread people out and do what I have outlined above.

The future of mining? - Pinko - 03-02-2011

Find a way to make Gas Mining in the Sigmas possible.

Restraining from voting.

The future of mining? - Dieter Schprokets - 03-02-2011

Nerf prices by 25% means a 25% reduction?

The future of mining? - Vito - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Trading factions should TRADE ! Make events, take contracts, interact with someone instead of shooting rocks all day long and running off the plane when you see a pirate coming.

DHC will also lose members, but power-miners didn't do anything for the faction anyway. They just sit in the mining field and scream when <strike>hessians</strike> pirates come to rape them.

No mining = more trading = more pirating = more interactions = more RP = more fun

The future of mining? - r3vange - 03-02-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]As I said I don't care what happens just make a faction disband because of such changes

The future of mining? - Lobster - 03-02-2011

Please turn it back on.

Think about all the mining factions out there.

The future of mining? - SeaFalcon - 03-02-2011

mining 25% nerf or trading 25% boost.

All I can say really.