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Patrol debriefing Ens.Baines March 3, 2011 - Printable Version

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Patrol debriefing Ens.Baines March 3, 2011 - Lucky Luke - 03-03-2011

*****Incoming transmission*****
*****Source: Sulawesi station*****
*****Sender ID: Ens. Alfred Baines*****
*****March 3, 2011, 1830 Hours*****

Since the last few days of mining being suspended to a minimum, our home systems have seen very little activity. Sporadic contacts show up on long-range scanners, but they disappear just as fast as they appear. Most contacts seem to be ships in transit through Tau 23 on their way to Omicron Alpha. Because of this, I decided to expand my patrol to the Orkney system. I know the Outcasts patrol the area around the jumphole on a regular basis, and soon after entering the system, I was attacked by two of these patrols. I managed to dispose of them relatively easy, but they still scored a few hits on my ship. So, I docked at Dounby station for repairs, and after finishing my patrol, I headed back to Tau 23.

On my way to Java, a new contact appeared on my scanners. The contact, Rudolph_Abel, seemed to be on his way from the miningareas, and he was headed towards Java. When I got a little closer, I could make out that it was a Junker bomber. I hailed him, but received no answer from him. Instead he docked at Java before I was close enough to scan him properly. I thought it was odd that he was allowed to dock, since the Junkers are notoriously known for their "smash-and-grab-methods" against the miners. We've all seen them appear out of nowhere, demanding all the ore from the miners. In my book, a good Junker is a dead Junker! They hide behind a semi-legal status, and defend themselves by saying that the loot was just floating around in space. Baaah! They should be shot on sight! Open season on Junkers all year around!

After that incident the system stayed quiet. I made a few more sweeps, and headed for Sulawesi, and a nice cup of tea... Spiked with some "anti-freeze-fluids" of course.

Ens. Baines signing off.

*****End transmission*****