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Mercenaries Guild - Printable Version

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Mercenaries Guild - OPHION - 01-18-2008

This idea is terminated -
ADMIN - Please lock the thread if you see fit.

This is just an idea that i have been tossing around, and i think it would work well.

I know no one knows me here, while i have been quietly building my char, i thought of the need for a mercs guild. this will be a loose organization, no tags are planned, just a guild for mercs to come together and organize contracts with contractors. and to organize groups of mercs to fulfill contracts, training, etc.

I am still working on the details (rules, etc.) but would like to get the go ahead from admin, and support and feedback from the Discovery community, before i put to much work into it.

At this point, I am calling the guild "Sirius Sector Mercenaries Guild" (SSMG).

If anyone (mercs) is interested in helping with this project, please let me know ASAP.
You can contact me here at SSMG Forum

need players who are willing to help organize this guild (mercs).

Well, what do you think?

Mercenaries Guild - Dopamino - 01-18-2008

A little early methinks. Why don't you just enjoy the game for a few months and get a feel for the community first?

Mercenaries Guild - Ichtan - 01-18-2008

' Wrote:A little early methinks. Why don't you just enjoy the game for a few months and get a feel for the community first?

That AND we already have a few merc factions do we not?

Mercenaries Guild - OPHION - 01-18-2008

This is not a faction.. It is simply a place for mercs to gather, discus, and group for contracts and training....

This guild will not care about what tag you carry as long as the ID is merc... it is not a faction

Mercenaries Guild - lucmccloud - 01-18-2008

Sounds a H*** of a lot like the Mandalorians, but unlike the Mandalorians, this isnt a faction.

Just dont nose yerself in our business:P

Seriously, you interefere, and we shall take action, gotta get off on the right foot... or was it the left?

((Good Luck with the faction, man.))

Mercenaries Guild - OPHION - 01-18-2008

' Wrote:Sounds a H*** of a lot like the Mandalorians, but unlike the Mandalorians, this isnt a faction.

Ok, i just read up on the Mandalorians.. the SSMG is nothing like that, the Mandalorians are a faction/clan....
the SSMG is a "loose affiliation of individuals who carry a merc ID".... the SSMG members will not take sides with out a contract.. business is business with a merc.. once a contract ends, they could be fighting for any other employer.

Mercs are already taking missions and contracts, but it is not organized,,, the SSMG will help organize mercs for contract that would be better accomplished with a group or what not. among other things.

Mercenaries Guild - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-18-2008

Be nice if you had read up a little more, especially the stickies ... Faction creation and all that.
Trouble with mercs, they tend not to want to be organised into a Bounty Hunter style guild.
Goes against their 'mercenary nature'.
The rest is dealt with in the Employment office


Mercenaries Guild - OPHION - 01-18-2008

' Wrote:Be nice if you had read up a little more, especially the stickies ... Faction creation and all that.
Trouble with mercs, they tend not to want to be organised into a Bounty Hunter style guild.
Goes against their 'mercenary nature'.
The rest is dealt with in the Employment office


Ok, I just read the faction creation sticky.. i apologize for not going through you guys first.

one question though,, is a guild considered a faction? there will be no tags.

it is simply, oh, like a mercenaries bar, where we can access employment if a contractor wanted to post employment there. I dont expect mercs to be flying at each others wing. but if two mercs wanted to agree to split the pot and hunt together, why not?

this would also be a place for mercs to establish something like a mercs code.

Its a place for mercs to talk about merc stuff.... that is all

Mercenaries Guild - tfmachad - 01-18-2008

OPHION, don't get me wrong, man. If your idea really is starting a place, not a faction, for mercenaries to hang out, get to know each other, and perhaps organize jobs together you could be a little more creative than you just did.

A lot of guys try to faction propose bellow the radars under the guise of, a) this is not really a faction, b) there won't be tags or anything. But then I look at your first post and see, a) I'm working on details, rules etc (you're organizing it pretty much like a faction, you're just not calling it one), b) SSMG (I mean, what's that for if not a tag?)

What I do have as a constructive idea and something that I would not only support but actually like seeing someone do is opening a bar for mercenaries in the RP forum. You could start roleplaying it with a close friend, something like bragging about a done job, talking about how it went and discussing the ongoing bounties. Maybe you could point out something that you see on the boards and mention you could use a help taking out a certain target and start nudging people both in and out game for help and stuff like that.

That one single RP thread would do pretty much what you claim you're trying to accomplish if you do it right, and you won't need to worry about admin approval for anything nor community support. The thread would or wouldn't live based on those things in a very natural way. Also, if you indeed plan to start a faction one day, you could get to know your future members and clients in that bar.

Mercenaries Guild - OPHION - 01-18-2008

OK, thanks Gronath,, that was the kind of feedback that I was looking for...

SSMG was just to identify it. It had to have some identity for people to know what it is.

but, i see where you are coming from about factions trying to start "under the radar".

I am dropping the idea for now.. I will go through the proposal properly if I decide to follow through with this.

Gonath, your idea is a good one, thanks. it is basically what I was trying to accomplish. I just put this together to give an idea of what i was going for. the "rules" of a mercs guild were to be very limited... more on the lines of - if you were killed by a fellow merc, dont get mad, business is business, no hard feelings.

this thread is over as i see it....