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Bretonia Police Authority - pchwang - 01-19-2008

Proposition for a Bretonia Police Authority Faction!

To the Bretonia Police Authority:

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a law-abiding citizen and a subject of our beloved Queen, I am compelled by both my love of country and my own sense of duty to ask that I may be allowed to lead a new series of patrols throughout the systems of Bretonia.

I have realised that with the current war with the Kusarianese and the constant raids of the Corsair pirates, the Bretonian Armed Forces have become severely hampered in their ability to protect the inner vessels of our great nation. Many of our cousins have left to defend our nation from threats without, but we must protect Queen and Nation from within!

For the best interests of our people, I, Regimental Sergeant Major Sir Alan Lauderdale of the Cambridge Light Horse am ready to give up my current rank and stature within the Civilian Forces of our Queen to take on a much more dangerous task to defend our nation!

The Cambridge Light Horse is tired of simply sitting about, playing polo, and baking crumpets! My men and I are even prepared to give up our daily tea time to serve Bretonia.

Please take an old soldier's proposal into consideration.

At your behest,
Sir Alan Lauderdale, Regimental Sergeant Major, Cambridge Light Horse, BAF.


From Alan Lauderdale's Personal Log:

Well. That's that! I have submitted the proposal. I hope that the research I have conducted about faction alignments and law enforcement policies are not too outmoded. I asked Bill after the boys and I went to the Sergeant's Mess for luncheon after some excercising, but he didn't help much.

Never trusted those naval men.

Oh, and by the way, I can't believe that some of the men prefer beer to whiskey! Now whiskey is a real man's drink. I mean, the bloody Rheinlanders give beer to their tots!

*Continues Ranting*



Tag: BPA tag.


Ship use: Hussars, Arrows, Bretonian Gunboats, and Percherons

Weapon use: Civilian and Bretonian weaponry.


Allied to all Bretonian based military, police and civilian factions (providing that agreements are met with faction leaders.). Allied to the Sirius Federation, QCO, QCP, and any other lawful Bretonian organizations.

Neutral towards

- Liberty-based factions, but we will cooperate with the LPI on criminal records and apprehension.

- Rheinland-based factions, but were still bitter over the invasion they mounted a few years back. No need to be polite to them(Be Impolite in RP only!!)

- Bounty Hunters, they claim to be on our side of the law, but came from the same crop as those pirates we shoot down everyday.

- Mercenaries, if they dont shoot you, dont shoot them.

Watch out for:

- Outcasts; might be carrying Cardamine. Be generous though, they hate Kusari.
- Any ship in Kusari design. If theyve been there, we have right to suspect.


- Traders(if they request it.)
- Faction VIPs

Hostile towards
- Kusari based military and civilian factions. (Does not include Kusair State Police. However, if they are found on Bretonian territory, will be shot on sight.
- Corsairs and Allies
- Phantom Empire
- Any pirates, terrorists, or raiders
- Non-Humans(Das Wilde, Nomads, but remember not everyone knows about them yet.): If its not human, shoot it!


-Shipments of military material such as Light Arms, Deuterium or H-Fuel will be escorted to drop their cargo off at a Bretonian base. If they do not oblige, use lethal action.

The BPA has a strict policy regarding drug shipments in and out of our nation. All actions below will result in an immediate blacklisting. Any blacklisted ships will be asked to leave promptly. If they do not, the BPA will use lethal action.

-Shipments of Cardamine will be told to drop their cargo off at Kusari bases. Failure to do either will result in destruction. Ships carrying Cardamine will be blacklisted from Bretonian space.

-Shipments of Synthetic Marijuana will be charged 1 million.


-Shipments of Artifacts will immediately be seized and transported to Planet Cambridge for safekeeping. Violators will be fined 2 Million.

-If possible, BPA will respond to distress calls from any Bretonians and ships in Bretonia so long as they are of a lawful faction. BPA officers are granted permission to stare at Kusarianese being wantonly slaughtered for at most 15 seconds before helping.

-BPA will attack Kusari Naval or Police targets if and only if either enters mainspace Bretonia. We are NOT the armed forces. We patrol Bretonia.

-BPA will cooperate in full with any other lawful agencies regarding terrorism and pirating, including the Kusari. We hate to do business with them, but mass killing and stealing is wrong wherever you are.

List of Ranks in the BPA
The current list is:
Police Constable

THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED. I have decided to get rid of the original naming scheme. But since many people already have the [PC] at the end of their names, do not despair. It is not much of an issue.

Your character's name should look like this:
BPA)Insert Name Here

For example, BPA)Sheppard


Epyon the Bored?

Actual recruitment will start if and only if the faction is actually approved by the Administrators. The above have expressed interest or have volunteered their efforts.

(To be updated!)

Bretonia Police Authority - Juan_Arquero - 01-19-2008

Have you run this by the Admins first?

If not, you just shot yourself in the foot while reaching for your bangers & toast.:nono:

Read this thread: Faction Creation, Now on Hold.

Bretonia Police Authority - LancerZero - 01-19-2008

Yes, he has the admins' collective blessings on this. But I'll let them tell you.:P

Anyhow. I'm SOOOOOO in. Did I mention that Martin has an underachieving brother?;)

Bretonia Police Authority - Unseelie - 01-19-2008

Juan, as this was mentioned to me, Hood has in fact already given it the go forward.
Hoodlum gave it his blessing, Right now, I'm giving it mine.
Welcome to Bretonia. The more men and women the Queen has in uniform, the better.
I may make a char....not sure...currently have computer troubles, and my own Brets to run.

Bretonia Police Authority - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-19-2008

Lordy, you lot are so quick. Yes its kosher - Hoodlum

Bretonia Police Authority - bluntpencil2001 - 01-19-2008

Ah, Bretonia!

Where the police are real police and the Armed Forces are off in foreign climates showing Johnny Foreigner how Armed Forces work!

Bretonia Police Authority - Juan_Arquero - 01-19-2008

' Wrote:Lordy, you lot are so quick. Yes its kosher - Hoodlum
Are you getting annoyed because I actually paid attention to your repeated posts about YANFs?:lol:

EDIT: I thought it was the Bretonia Police Authority, not the B'nai B'rith Police Authority.:unsure:

Bretonia Police Authority - Equinox - 01-19-2008

Good luck with this, the more factions/pilots active in Bretonia is a good thing in my book. Would be great to see that sector active.

One question, in ship use you say only Hussars and Bretonian Gunboats why no other ships inbetween?

Bretonia Police Authority - chopper - 01-19-2008

Because less ships, better RP, at least i think that is.
Regular cops will fly their Hussars, as Police vessels, and Inspectors (or smtn like that) will fly Gunboats.
2 ship types, i love it.
Templar is actually a Military vessel, not Police, if my memory serves me.
So, they are cool with Hussars and GB's.

Yes, good thing to see that there are people who want to RP as a real Police.
We need only Kusari and Rheinland more:)

Bretonia Police Authority - pchwang - 01-19-2008

I decided to make it Hussars and GB's simply for RP issues. Remember that my faction does not replace the BPA. It is a volunteer civilian supplement to the BPA, since so many able bodied men/women left to fight the war. It's made up of some recruits, some discharged professionals, some ex-BAF, and a bunch of civilian militiamen(Cambridge Light Horse) dying for some action.

It is, however, going to provide a good deal of protection to Bretonia.

Hussars, when flown properly, can do quite a bit of damage, but are useless against Capital ships. GB's on the other hand, are heavy enforcement reinforcements intended to hit bigger ships. I need to make some edits on the number of GB's allowed. The number of GB's should match the number of gates in New London to enforce a system lockdown.

There have been requests about flying other fighters. Due to the constraints already imposed, I'm going to be somewhat laxer on the issue in RL.

Heavy fighters are still under consideration, simply because light fighters can more than hold their own against them. Bombers are out of the question; they are strictly military vessels. We have policy of seizing cargo...not blowing it up. No capships (gunboats really aren't capships) whatsoever.

If you have any suggestions, let me know!

- Updated roster
- Updated ship list
- Added Character naming guide

Future updates:
- List of Ranks