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Hail from Dublin! - Printable Version

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Hail from Dublin! - Ryuganaote - 03-07-2011

Most days in the last sixty days-ish, Discovery has run on my computer. Overall I like Discovery!

My characters have a story, but nothing interesting- standard stuff, like my Molly character coming from BMM, my Universal trader from Manhatten, a freelancer mercenary from Freeport 14. Largely I've been trying to give the Mollys in Dublin a good name. OK, you can laugh at that...

So <strike>about the mining</strike> I've been trying a few different things out. RP is THE reason I play Discovery, but that doesn't mean I stop and share my life story with a pilot who says 'hi'. I'm now looking for a different faction with some organization. Not making a call out to recruiters- this will be my objective for a few days! A new start. The itch to make a story is at my fingers again... but I want players worthwhile to make it with, who have room for it.

To those who already fly with me; I'm NOT dissing you guys! 'Gold mining permit collecting' really got me hooked to Discovery, but I think there are greener pastures elsewhere as far as RP is concerned! Besides... the Mollys might self-destruct when official story says they have a long term cease fire with the Queen's citizens and soldiers but the players declare open war. (cough)

Hail from Dublin! - Cond0r - 03-07-2011


Hail from Dublin! - SnakThree - 03-07-2011

Yo! Hook up with [OG] guys in game.
Coolest Mollys around.
True stuff.

Hail from Dublin! - Erasmas - 03-11-2011

Mollys. Meh.

:DJust joking, Mollys are cool. And welcome!

Hail from Dublin! - ryoken - 03-11-2011

' Wrote:Yo! Hook up with [OG] guys in game.
<strike>Coolest</strike>biggest lolwut Mollys around.
True stuff.

Fixed that for you.

Hail from Dublin! - DarthBindo - 03-11-2011

' Wrote:
' Wrote:Yo! Hook up with [OG] guys in game.
<strike>Coolest</strike>Biggest lolwut Mollys around.
True stuff.

Fixed that for you.
[Image: back-in-the-days-trolling-meant-something-391x500.jpg]
Anyways, ye, The Old Guard has a lot of fun.
BUt he would know that, since he's [OG]Arwen.Murray.

Hail from Dublin! - Chev - 03-11-2011

Ohai there! Welcome aboard. Have fun and stuffs.
And remember, capships and blind capitalism is evil.

Hail from Dublin! - Backo - 03-12-2011

Welcome to The Disco. Hm... Wish I had 90s disco lights as BBcode. Anyway have fun and enjoy your stay.

Hail from Dublin! - jakub963 - 03-12-2011

Well... Get out of liberty...
Poke around taus and omegas... some fun there...
Stalk some [Taz] vessels (always makes my day)...

Ye Last Exile was epic...

Hail from Dublin! - r3vange - 03-12-2011