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New mining bugs.. - Printable Version

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New mining bugs.. - JunkerTown - 03-07-2011

I fill up a CSF with scrap from shooting barrels when an NPC demands my cargo.
I comply since it is flying a fighter and won't be able to carry very much of the 500 unit stack.

So I drop the load and shoot more barrels putting scrap back into my now empty cargo hold. The cargo was dropped when I press the "Drop Cargo" button and the screen closes but the NPC didn't tractor in the load. Then in a few seconds the NPCs opened fire on me.. so I beamed up the rest of the load and docked.

After a short while I returned to the field and found the pirates were gone. So I returned to mining scrap when again I was pirated by an NPC. Again I complied and I did not shoot any more barrels. This time the NPC tractored in the small amount of scrap his fighter could hold. Then the NPCs did not move from that spot.. only sat there staring at the dropped cargo that they couldn't carry.

While they sat and watched I continued shooting barrels.. only to be pirated again by a different group of NPCs. So I dropped cargo again and again the NPCs beamed in what they could carry. Again this new group of NPCs sits and stares at the scrap they can't carry.

Several minutes later and another player arrives to pick up the scrap bundles waiting for him. In the 15 minutes it took for this ship to arrive both groups of NPCs just sat and stared at the scrap. As the player beams up the scrap both groups of NPCs turn hostile and begin firing on him. This happens again to the next player that arrives to pick up the rest of the scrap. It didn't matter that they were already in a fight with the first ship to arrive.

No ships were destroyed since the NPC's really couldn't do anything to the Salvagers beaming up the scrap. For us this was mostly just an annoyance but it could prove problematic in the future during certain situations.

New mining bugs.. - Dusty Lens - 03-07-2011


This could make Manhattan orbit extremely entertaining...

New mining bugs.. - Crackpunch - 03-07-2011

While we're talking about scrap bugs.

Is the drop rate meant to be so miserably low? The average yield is about 8 (down from 30). Could it be that scrap managed to be given the same yield as gold or niobium?

At the moment it takes about 10 minutes to fill a salvager, then if traveling to Bornholm from Kreuzberg you must pass through 3 systems to make 3 million credits. The price wouldn't bother me if the drop rate wasn't so painfully low.

Was this intended?

New mining bugs.. - Reaver Company Inc. - 03-07-2011

Remember the field may be depleted.

New mining bugs.. - Crackpunch - 03-07-2011

' Wrote:Remember the field may be depleted.

Aye it could have been, however we tried both New London and New Berlin fields. So I'm not sure both fields could have been depleted so quickly.

New mining bugs.. - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 03-07-2011

' Wrote:Aye it could have been, however we tried both New London and New Berlin fields. So I'm not sure both fields could have been depleted so quickly.

Try the two Pequenas Negras.

New mining bugs.. - tyro - 03-07-2011

' Wrote:[...] I was pirated by an NPC. Again I complied and I did not shoot any more barrels. This time the NPC tractored in the small amount of scrap his fighter could hold. Then the NPCs did not move from that spot.. only sat there staring at the dropped cargo that they couldn't carry [...]

this is not "new", it happened to me before. they probably guard the loot and wait for transport:D

New mining bugs.. - AeternusDoleo - 03-07-2011

' Wrote:Try the two Pequenas Negras.
I did. Abyssimal drops with an ALG Mover, using mining turret and ALG IFF/ID (which should push a x6 yield, previously resulting in around 20-30 scrap per small roid. Looks like the mining bonus for scrap is either off for ALG, or unconfigured.

I'm guessing a config error.

New mining bugs.. - MarvinCZ - 03-13-2011

adoxa created a plugin for that bug. It isn't really new.
Quote:Check Loot Volume v1.00 (3k; includes C source; 1.1). Prevents NPCs from freezing if loot is too big for their hold. See chklootvol.c for usage.