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To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Printable Version

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To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Switchback - 03-07-2011

[Image: TransmissionHeader-BlairSpike-4.png]
If your Receiving this message, its because you sell or can get contraband weapons.
If your not a dealer and by some freak of transmitting horror you do get this message, get out. Now.

Right, to business. The Society needs 30 Military grade Rifles, and 40 Pistols, and ammunition
(about 100 rounds per gun please) for said guns. The guns must be of Liberty or Bretonian origin, and should have the Weapon Identification codes scratched out,
or otherwise removed, to reduce any possibility of tracking the weapon, should it be captured. The drop off point is Freeport 14, deck 33, storage locker BD233C.

In summery, we need 7000 tons(rounded up) of black market munitions, and
we will pay a premium of 800 credits per gun for the safe delivery of said guns.

-Blain Spike

[Image: TransmissionFooter-BlairSpike.png]

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Aphil - 03-08-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Davian Steele
To: The Society
Priority: MEDIUM
Subject: Equipment
[Message Begins]

I can get you what you need no problem. Question though, I know you want the guns to be Libertonian or Bretonian, but do you care where the Munitions from?

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Pyromaniac - 03-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Ship ID - Logs Deleted****
****Location - Logs Deleted****
****Sender - Alex Drake****

[Image: FrankIero10.jpg]

Mr. Steele,

I apologize for the long wait on a reply to your message. We've had some... internal issues that needed attentding to. Further more Mr. Spike has recently retired and I have only just come across this transmission log in the stack of paperwork.

Assuming you are still willing to deliver the requested items, no the ammunitions origing is inconsequential. Suffice it to say that if we can shoot it out of the rifles and pistols you bring us it will do fine. The only request I have is that, like the guns, the ammunition be of a decent quality. None of this home made stuff that jams your rifle every other shot.

I hope you are still willing to do business with us Mr. Steele and look forward to your reply.

Drake out.

****Message Ends****
****Unauthorized Access Detected****
****Tracing Source... Failed****
****Terminating Signal****

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Araevin Teshurr - 03-15-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
---Location:New York---
---Comm ID:

Hello, I noticed you are paying very handsomely for some of the finest in stolen and illicitly manufactured weapons. I have sources that can acquire me some extremely cheaply, and would be willing to haul said goods to your base of request.

-With much anticipation,
One handy smuggler

---Transmission Terminated---

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Pyromaniac - 03-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Ship ID - Logs Deleted****
****Location - Logs Deleted****
****Sender - Alex Drake****

[Image: FrankIero10.jpg]

As Mr. Steele replied first in this channel I would like to give the job to him. However if he does not reply again in the near future, the job will be yours as time is of the essence for this operation. Expect a confirmation from me within the next 24 hours as to whether you have the job or whether it has gone to Mr. Steele.

Drake out.

****Message Ends****
****Unauthorized Access Detected****
****Tracing Source... Failed****
****Terminating Signal****

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Aphil - 03-15-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Davian Steele
To: The Society
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]


Sorry lads, I can't make the delivery. Ships been heavily beaten up, and it'll take some time to fix 'er up. So give the job to the other guy.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Pyromaniac - 03-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Ship ID - Logs Deleted****
****Location - Logs Deleted****
****Sender - Alex Drake****

[Image: FrankIero10.jpg]
Alright. 'One Handy Smuggler' the job is yours. 7000 tons of black market munitions to be delivered to Freeport 14, deck 33, storage locker BD233C. We'll pay you 800 per gun which comes to a total of 5.6 million credits.

Payment will be wired when proof of delivery has been posted in this channel. Good luck and I await your confirmation of delivery.

Drake out.

****Message Ends****
****Unauthorized Access Detected****
****Tracing Source... Failed****
****Terminating Signal****

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Araevin Teshurr - 03-17-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID:Inquisitor---

So there it is 4,300 units of the best in illegal weaponry around, courtesy of the Outcasts. Mr.Drake, I thank you for the escort and hope to fly with you soon.
As per request the munitions were dropped off on deck 33, storage locker BD233C. I had some grunts nearby do the work and put it on your tab. You know where the money goes Alex.

---Transmission Terminated---

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Araevin Teshurr - 03-20-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID:Inquisitor---

Alright the rest of the goods have been made to the appropriate storage pod. The excess munitions I sold to the Zoners, so no need to worry. I expect payment in full to be made to my ship, you know the name Alex. I hope to have a future in business with your group.

---Transmission Terminated---

To: Black Market Dealers of Sirius - Pyromaniac - 03-20-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Ship ID - Logs Deleted****
****Location - Logs Deleted****
****Sender - Alex Drake****

[Image: FrankIero10.jpg]

Well done sir. A contact of ours has just dropped off the last of the guns. They all appear to be in the condition we requested. Payment has been wired to the specified account.


[Image: th_screen22.jpg]

A pleasure doing business with you and I look forward to the possibility of doing business with you in the future.

Drake out.

****Message Ends****
****Unauthorized Access Detected****
****Tracing Source... Failed****
****Terminating Signal****