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ID and IFF Help - Karean - 03-09-2011

Greetings everyone,i hava a simple quesion i would like to ask. Would clarify many questions i hold.
Ill put it in a simulation:
A LPI crosses paths with a Freelancer,find he has a pirate ID.
What action should the LPI take?
Other is quite similer.
A LN patroling the area find a hessian in New York system,but with IMG ID. What action should be taken.
I ask because i found mysel in a situation like this. And the person holding a Pirate ID in this case,sayd ID is not proof to take any action.
I just want to be sure when it happens next time.
Best regards

ID and IFF Help - SnakThree - 03-09-2011

Factionized IDs shows who is the person.

Rule of thumb = RP at generic IDs holders as you like.

ID and IFF Help - Pancakes - 03-09-2011

ID is ooRP (I think) but you can say that the ship is registered in the database of the liberty navy as a ship that belongs to a pirate.

ID and IFF Help - alphadog - 03-09-2011

I consider all generic ID's... well... generic. I base my actions on their actions, and I don't assume anything. Basicly consider them all Freelancer ID's

ooRP, ofcourse you can anticipate on what they can and can't do. But I suggest you don't take inRP action based on generic ID's.

ID and IFF Help - Karean - 03-09-2011

I understand IDs now,i found other threads about the issue.
My doupts now are the IFF.
Are the affiliations visible inRP view. As the hessian example.
As a LPI or LN should i know their IFF and take actions based on it. Or wait for a action that proves the players IFF?

ID and IFF Help - ryoken - 03-09-2011

ID should match IFF as closely as posible. Thats a rule. Also ID's over rule the IFF,and ship. also a rule. Go by ID at all times,and you break no rules.
I see a pirate ID he is a Pirate plain and simple. just like a junker is junker. Navy is navy. I do not care what player states. Rules say go by the ID. If they think that is not RP? to bad. I go by ID,and kill them. They can file a sanction if they want. Tired of all these "non pirates" saying they are "not a pirate" and "you can't do anything without proof" crap. Do not want to be a pirate? do not get the ID.

ID and IFF Help - DarthBindo - 03-09-2011

' Wrote:ID should match IFF as closely as posible. Thats a rule. Also ID's over rule the IFF,and ship. also a rule. Go by ID at all times,and you break no rules.
I see a pirate ID he is a Pirate plain and simple. just like a junker is junker. Navy is navy. I do not care what player states. Rules say go by the ID. If they think that is not RP? to bad. I go by ID,and kill them. They can file a sanction if they want. Tired of all these "non pirates" saying they are "not a pirate" and "you can't do anything without proof" crap. Do not want to be a pirate? do not get the ID.
Rules say the ID is oorp.

ID and IFF Help - Pancakes - 03-09-2011

' Wrote:...........................................................................
Rules say the ID is oorp.

Actully there was a clearance not so long ago that IDs are not ooRP, they are the ship's papers and what it appears to be in the database.

ID and IFF Help - alphadog - 03-09-2011

' Wrote:ID should match IFF as closely as posible. Thats a rule. Also ID's over rule the IFF,and ship. also a rule. Go by ID at all times,and you break no rules.
I see a pirate ID he is a Pirate plain and simple. just like a junker is junker. Navy is navy. I do not care what player states. Rules say go by the ID. If they think that is not RP? to bad. I go by ID,and kill them. They can file a sanction if they want. Tired of all these "non pirates" saying they are "not a pirate" and "you can't do anything without proof" crap. Do not want to be a pirate? do not get the ID.
Who needs roleplay when you have rules eh? :dry:

ID and IFF Help - Chase - 03-09-2011

It wasn't stated the the IDs were out of roleplay, what is on the IDs is out of roleplay information. As in, you can't say "Your ID says blablabla" in roleplay. IDs themselves however, are physical things on the ship and therefore can be roleplayed as such.

The example of it being the "ships papers" or "registration" is one RP example of how to treat such an item InRP.