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Class 9 Plasma guns - chopper - 03-10-2011

I was wondering about Magma Hammers and Firekisses for some time now.
They are currently class 9 code weapons, used by RM and LN, and some mercenary groups.
Drakes can be excluded from this discussion.

Now, who was here in 4.84 surely knows they used to have 500 speed, thus were not very good at mixing with code weapons.
My proposal was to set their damage up to 1300+ but to remain with 500 speed.
People were fine with it, but it somehow ended with lower damage and speed matching with the code weapons.

I personally have a problem with those weapons, as they are just a bit weaker version of code weapons.
Same speed, same efficiency, same refire, a bit lower damage.

Do you think it would be better to have those guns damage in line with code weapons, but with old speed, that is 500.
For all I care, damage can go up to even 1400 in exchange.
Do keep in mind that 500 is their original speed, and it is in no way something new.
I think it would make them different, and people might go for Magma hammers instead of just buying codes.
They can have codes anyway, so the high damage on Magma's and Firekisses will in no way be overpowered.
It'll just make them different.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Dusty Lens - 03-10-2011

A proper mix of codes and class 9 2.0s mixed with a mini can alpha strike a Sabre. It's called a shotgun setup.

Generally people who use codes alone do so because they don't have access to class 9 weapons to accompany them.

The current class 9's are considered super ideal and those factions which have access to them generally find themselves constantly bombarded with requests for use. The RM has basically told everyone to eff off while the LN pimps them out to whoever will cough up the credits.

Class 9 Plasma guns - chopper - 03-10-2011

I know they are considered super ideal, that's because you can't mount class 10 codes on two other slots.
If it was possible, no one would care actually.
So, it all comes down to two factions being able to mount more then 4 codes.

I barely ever see a full MH Guardian or FK Wraith. Do you? HF's barely ever use them.
Also, you'd be able to shotgun with full MH's if they were 500 speed anyway.
It'd even be easier due to speed difference being smaller between them and MR.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Dusty Lens - 03-10-2011

I see 'em all the time. Or did. Mostly on people who wanted near code damage for 3 million rather than 70 million.

Also the loss of a few hundred points of damage on non VHF ships is a bit of a blessing. I don't much fancy a world where a Libby or other LF could do the same damage with four guns that I normally associate with six.

(Or 8, lol @ oldest joke ever.)

Besides. Why invalidate codes?

Class 9 Plasma guns - Zukeenee - 03-10-2011

' Wrote:I barely ever see a full MH Guardian or FK Wraith. Do you? HF's barely ever use them.
Yes, actually. I've seen a fair number of both.

As for the speeds, well... I wouldn't exactly have a problem with it. After all, I don't use Magma Hammers or Firekisses anymore. But it just seems odd to me that only two guns would have the unique speed of 500m/s (not counting Flamecurses, which I think are still 500m/s).

Speaking of codes, though, I'd rather see some more variation in codename speeds. But that's not entirely related to your proposal here.

Wait to see what the LN, RM, and associated indies think of it, I suppose.

Class 9 Plasma guns - chopper - 03-10-2011

It's actually not 'near code' damage. It's far away from that.
They do less damage per second then Krakens, Hfurries or Sally's.

And why wouldn't LF's or HF's do that kind of damage?
Both of these classes are underused and basically suck compared to any VHF's.
If you take in to account that LN doesn't have an overpowered HF (Executioner is quite average), and RM doesn't have one at all, I don't see a problem there.
Also keep in mind that their energy usage would also go up accordingly, so HF's wouldn't be able to use them as effective as VHF's.
But if that's the biggest problem, then they can easily be made class 10's too.
So, you'd get to choose between 4 class 10 MH's + 2 class 9 MH's and 4 codes + anything else.

Why invalidate codes? Because they are overused.
And you wouldn't invalidate them, since only two factions would have a possibility to use something different.
I guess all others would just use codes still.
Trust me, they wouldn't be overpowered, since it's much harder to aim with 500 speed. Don't know if you tried them in 4.84.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Dusty Lens - 03-10-2011

I don't really know what to make of your last post, but it didn't convince me that we need to make Magmas and Kisses into slower more powerful class 10 faction guns.

But maybe it'll convince someone else?

I just don't see the point I suppose.


*bows out*

Class 9 Plasma guns - chopper - 03-10-2011

Then I'll just quote you from 06.03.2008. when the said proposal was voted on.:P

"Dusty Lens Wrote:I'd love to see some of the other particle weapons brought in line with the Kraken... But, well, that's just me!

Amazing writeup! Good show Chopper!

*gives Chopper a gold star*

But sure, things were all different then.
I'm not sure myself it would be a good move, it's just open for discussion.
Don't get nasty.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Dusty Lens - 03-10-2011

*rolls his eyes*

Class 9 Plasma guns - VoluptaBox - 03-10-2011

Yeh, imo, Hammers (I never used Firekisses, so can't say anything about those) are fine the way they are. I wouldn't change them 1 bit.