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Another idea, another race, another try. - Printable Version

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Another idea, another race, another try. - William Frederick Cody - 03-10-2011

I have thought a lot about the whole race idea. Let me please explain my thoughts about that a lil' bit, before i come to the core of this thread:

Why a race? The naked truth:

To be honest - I have too much money. But please, do not ask for money here, please.

I was asked the following quoted question on skype. I have answered it on skype, and also i want to answer it in public, as some of you may have asked the same question before to themselves, including my person:

Quote:[13:49:08] John (Phoenix): Cody, if you don't have any other ship, whats the point of all those billions
The point is, i have total fun with the dealer, and the profit is not my point or primary goal. Of course, the money i earn on it is a small kick each time i make a deal. Sometimes a big kick, but still: I don't do it for the money, i love to RP a weapon dealer. I want to RP a weapon dealer, which has nearly all codes to offer at nearly all times. And even if i am that expensive, i am successful. THAT is my fun. Prices are only a tool for me, to balance out demand and supply.

And after more than 9 month of dealing fun, the fun is still there and even better than the first half year. Customers and deliverers come from all corners of sirius sometimes. I have become a bit popular as a dealer, and sometimes i move more codes, than the server spits out each day.

The fun is producing the money, not vice-versa.

Now it has come to a point - I don't like Battleships that much - I want/need to waste some money. And i would really appreciate, if i could waste some credits RP wise. I want to waste my money, thats all.

That is why i want to organize such a race.

Now to the core of this thread:

I have some questions again about such a race. But i still need advices.

My thoughts until now:

1. What kind of race? / Comments
2. The rules: How it will work? / Comments
3. Additional thoughts about the rules of such an event / Questions / Comments
4. General thoughts about the racing course / What is "allowed" for me RP wise? / Questions / Comments
5. Involved factions / Which ones are interested or "allowed" RP wise / Questions / Comments

And last, but not least:

6. Is there any way to have the event server for such a race, if i ever manage to organize it?


Regarding 1.: What kind of race?

I tend to organize a race over many sirian systems. It would be easier to have some checkpoints to watch, than coordinating ~30 pilots and check well, if the moved themself correctly through ~ 20 race gates in dublin.


Regarding 2.: The rules: How it will work?

Start should be in dublin, or?

Fly to checkpoint A, grab a commodity there, and hunt to the next checkpoint, where you grab the next commodity. Proceed until you arrive the last checkpoint, then hunt back to Dublin. Race is done then. Killing is allowed, like you wish.

You win the race, if you are carrying all commodities with you, that you got from each checkpoint.

Question: Good idea or not?


Regarding 3.: Additional thoughts about the rules of such an event

About killing: I tend to allow it. Why not to put also a bounty onto all racing pilots, or let them loot something worthful, which would invate pirates and desperados to kill the racing pilots. Would make the race more interesting, if they are not only racing pilots that have fun, but also a bulk of desperados, that want to make their profit too. Also, the challenge would be increased for the pilots.

Question: What do you think about that?


Regarding 4.: General thoughts about the racing course / What is "allowed" for me RP wise?

The race should have a relatively long run, but, as you know, i RP a lawful dealer. I doubt, that i am allowed RP wise to hire some factions like the Outcasts from Malta for the race as checkpoint-observers, or?

- Should the racing course be as follows (only an example): Dublin --> House A checkpoint---> House B checkpoint---> House C checkpoint---> and back to Dublin?
- Or is it possible to organized the race throughout whole sirius. Again, i will organize it as W.F.Cody, so, is there any way to have some checkpoints in unlawful systems, watched and controlled by criminals RP wise? Advise or enlighten me here, please.
- Is it ok to have some Zoners involved? Perhaps that would be a possible solution to have a bigger and larger course for the race.


Regarding 5.: Involved factions

At first, let me say: I will make it better now. Of course, if this race event will happen, i will RP it out on the forums, to ask you for permission and all that. I have learned something from the last try.

- Which factions are allowed RP-wise? Similar like the question of point 4
- Which factions are interested in general?
- Which player/player-group in general would like to help and assist me in organizing it?


Regarding 6.: Is there any way to have the event server for such a race, if i ever manage to organize it?

I would like to have an real huge event, of course, even if i tend to make a very small race at first, to test, if the masterplan for the race is working.

And if I ever manage to organize a large race, i would like to have a lot of players involved. At its best:

- Around 25 or more racing pilots, and perhaps also the same number of desperados, that try to kill the racing pilots.

So, would it be possible, that the event server can be used for that?


Edit: And what thoughts do you miss here for a successful race?

Another idea, another race, another try. - Chev - 03-10-2011

Moneys brings power, but they don't bring happiness, eh? It's really nice from you, that you're organizing such event. Discovery really needs stuffs like these, however, because player's ego and nonetheless OORPing it's hard to make.

However, I'm with 'ya. And I wish you luck.

Now. My opinions.

Regarding 1: Coordinating of such big number of members is hard inRL. Believe me, filming a scene with ~30 actors in one place was biggest torture to me ever. So, controlling them in game is a bit impossible, I think. I think you should divide all racers to groups (perhaps, 5 racers per group) and give them separate dates for races. However, making schedule to us, players, is impossible, since we all have personal life and Disco isn't our jobs. I have no more offers on this, sorry.

Regarding 2: Both your ideas is nice. Race outside Dublin is nice. That opens opportunity for players who knows map pretty well have an advance, plus they would be able to use whatever ship they want. Race in Dublin... well... that ring really needs to be used... however, it's hard to make.
But I have an option. You need more cooperation with Bretonian Police and Armed Forces. Like in real life, all festivals and stuffs is always kept by various authorities to make sure, that everything will be ok. Perhaps, Dublin should be made as "Closed". I mean, state pair of BAF caps next to each jumphole and tell everyone who is "not in the list" to get out. However, that sounds a bit strange... and all kinds of lolminers and Barges won't pay any attention. NPC's are annoying too.

Regarding 3: Killing is good. However, weapons should be prohibited. Mines only.

Regarding 4: Have no ideas. We have racers from various places of Sirius. Some of them couldn't enter to some places because NPCs and other players. You won't be able to tell them "I'm a racer! Don't shoot!" However, such event reminds me movie "Rat Race" which is good by the way.

Regarding 5: If you allow all kinds of criminals to ensign, there's big chance you won't be very liked by House Government. I think all racers should sign without any information about their faction.
As I said before, if you're doing these races, BAF and BPA should be involved as well to ensure safety of all racers.

Regarding 6: As I said before... it's hard to tell... personally, I won't be able to do such thing. Not because my financial state in game, but because it looks impossible to do... as I said, I wanted to shoot myself in filming.
However, let's hope for the best.

Take care and good luck to you,

Another idea, another race, another try. - Chev - 03-10-2011

And if you want to spend moneys RP wise, open an charity for Corsair orphans or something like that.
Believe me, it will make you live longer rather these races :mellow:

Another idea, another race, another try. - jxie93 - 03-10-2011

Yes, you do have too much money.

I suggest hosting events other than races, use your imagination and put up things like lotteries, deliveries and deathmatches. You should continue your races at the same time though, I rather enjoy watching them. Would it hurt to increase the payout? Since you're... loaded as hell.

Another idea, another race, another try. - SA_Scavenger - 03-11-2011

If you can get a server just for the race, why not scrap the dublin idea and make it an "around Sirius" race? Start in tau 31 at Holman outpost and end there as well. Make it a whole day event. Make it interesting, with pirates waiting and allow people to dock, sort of like pit-stops in Formula one, in case they get destroyed. Increase the first prize to 2 billion credits and follow on from there.

However, unless you divide up the racers into groups of 5 each. The race will descend into chaos. This needs to be planned with many organisers, not just yourself. Anyway, whatever you do, make sure that you enjoy doing it. Don't let the lolwutters get you down.