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Molly Council / republic - Printable Version

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Molly Council / republic - Captain - 03-11-2011

' Wrote:Whoops, I missed this one.

This is a blanket bounty and only official factions may issue blanket bounties. Please read: Reaver guys, you should know better.

If you try to collect on this bounty you will be sanctioned.

@aromal, you are breaking the rules by posting non roleplay stuff in a role play thread. If you have a complaint, file a violation report.

' Wrote:It seems I'm wrong and actually the [OG] are the [MR] and thus this bounty is indeed valid.

As a consequence, it seems that Bretonia and the Mollies are now back to full scale 'total' war

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in the time the Molly republic was there with Sprolf, me and others
was sprolf busy with what is now Molly Council,

with the idea of small molly clans, wich happened after sprolf left, (MS, La tene and CF at that time)
the molly republic was reformed into the molly council and the MR played as disbanded

currently the Molly council still represents the Molly clans as the official faction,
with clans as Molly Separatists, MMC, Garda, La Tene and Old gaurd,

to clarify, the old gaurd never have been the molly republic, wich is why they have been
asked to change their tag, wich resulted them to be in the Molly council under the tag [OG]
and name Knights of the Old Gaurd.

the Bounty is valid because they are part of the Molly council wich is the official faction.

~ Mike,

Molly Council / republic - SnakThree - 03-11-2011

' Wrote:..
and Old gaurd,
... Old Gaurd.

Hell. Only our name was spelled wrong. It is Old Guard !
[sarcasm] Give us respect! [/sarcasm]

Molly Council / republic - Linkus - 03-11-2011

[MR] became Molly Council.
Molly Council is made up of several clans.

The [MR] folks rolling around are a clan that wanted to bring back the Republic, now called [OG] or 'Old Guard'.

Apologies for confusion.

Molly Council / republic - Disco - 03-11-2011

Note: [OG] are in the council

Molly Council / republic - AeternusDoleo - 03-11-2011

Confusing thread is confusing. Update the info on the wiki to show the clear structure perhaps, along with who's in charge of what?

Molly Council / republic - Captain - 03-11-2011

we will update the wiki asap,

Molly Council / republic - VoluptaBox - 03-11-2011

Too many Molly factions aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :crazy:

Molly Council / republic - Zelot - 03-11-2011

I think the first step is updating the faction status post, not the Wiki. Faction status posts are where the Admins look if there is a question.

Molly Council / republic - Doc Holliday - 03-12-2011

Something else I want to point out is this:;#entry861752
Post #25. That is the tech permissions given by Sprolf of the Molly Republic. As tech permissions are permanent, the Molly Council will have to abide by this. If needed, please incorporate this into your faction write-up.
