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TBH leadership handover - Printable Version

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TBH leadership handover - McNeo - 03-12-2011

So, I took this faction off Zelot about half way through last year, most likely later than that.

Reconfigured the council of elders so it worked... and then did nothing else.

What a waste.

A vote was recently held internally within the Corsair Brotherhood, and even though the turnout was... poor, a definitive vote of all of the active players (please note, the term "active" is a relative one) was obtained.

I think this may be a first for discovery factions, but Im handing the reins over to two people, who are to share joint leadership of the faction.

Those two people are Darthbindo and Skyelius.

Go team, and don't let Bindo out of the cage when it comes to foreign policy. Good luck you two.

And don't forget to use that restructure doc boys.

TBH leadership handover - Not Espi - 03-12-2011

good luck, fellas. hope you do good.

TBH leadership handover - Dusty Lens - 03-12-2011

Here's to a new age.

Consider the projects you gents are invested in. The TBH, tbh, needs a steady hand at the helm. She's not going to come around without some serious investment.

Best of luck.

TBH leadership handover - pchwang - 03-12-2011

tbh, Connor, I think the tbh would, tbh, be best served if, tbh, you remained the leader...tbh.

But, tbh, I think that your decision will bring nothing but the best to the tbh, tbh.

TBH leadership handover - Serpentis - 03-12-2011

Good luck you two!

TBH leadership handover - Blodo - 03-13-2011

Now... to prepare the Hessian fleets to test the Brotherhood's mettle...

[Image: dr-evil.jpg]

Good luck, and I expect you in O-5 more often now.

TBH leadership handover - Durandal - 03-13-2011

I approve of this. You're not really so active anymore Connor, and I can't think of any people better for the job than Sky and Bindo.

TBH leadership handover - SpaceTime - 03-13-2011

What can expect the rest of the Sirius now? More piracy or something else? :rolleyes:

TBH leadership handover - Tanker - 03-13-2011

even though I am a minor member in the TBH, I have faith in you two. The sharing of responsibility is an added benefit. This will allow things to be handled without overwehlming one person.[TBH]

TBH leadership handover - Werss™ - 03-13-2011

Good luck 'amigos'
Stay best...stay TBH !