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Admin Notice: Outcast Destroyer Illusion Shocks Manhattaners - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Outcast Destroyer Illusion Shocks Manhattaners - Athenian - 03-16-2011

Did you see that?

Was that an Outcast Destroyer in Manhattan orbit?
Did it just say "=)" and shoot down a police ship?
Did a Navy ship give it a kicking?
Did it activate a cloak device as its hull buckled and it began to disintegrate under the barrage of Manhattan's defenses?

Is it a new species perhaps?
Is it somehow connected with other ships whose names are unpronnzz.... unpronuncble... whose names a linguist couldn't say?

Was it all an illusion?

N.E.Z.A.M.I.N.E.M.Y. has been sanctioned for:

Quote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.

Fined all credits, guns, equipment and armour and anything else not nailed down on your other ships. Still short of the 100 million.

Other ships renamed as they broke naming conventions.

=) is not roleplay, not even by my standards.

Admin Link to Report



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other
legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

Admin Notice: Outcast Destroyer Illusion Shocks Manhattaners - Cassad - 05-07-2011

Banned him he could never have changed!

Admin Notice: Outcast Destroyer Illusion Shocks Manhattaners - Cassad - 05-07-2011

I have several times already suffer from it, he thinks that the rules are not for him.

Admin Notice: Outcast Destroyer Illusion Shocks Manhattaners - Doc Holliday - 05-07-2011

If you aren't a part of the sanction, don't post here. Thank you.

Admin Notice: Outcast Destroyer Illusion Shocks Manhattaners - Garrett Jax - 05-07-2011


You have violated this forum rule and thus received a 24 hour ban. Please do not post in sanction reports that you are not involved in.

Thank you,
