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Personal resume of the past 3 years - Printable Version

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Personal resume of the past 3 years - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 03-17-2011

It's been three years since i came here. It's been a few days since i officially left this place.
Three years ago, as i came here, i joined a nice, warm and welcoming community.
Whining was not really there (except for the cap-spam in Liberty, who'd be surprised), not to even speak of the trolling that you could notice in the past months.
There were many great people, some of the are still here, some are gone, some turned out to be not as great as they seemed to be.
For the factions:

The first day i came to this server, i got invited to this faction already. At this time, it started off as [LPI], and the very first thing i did was flying in a huge battle between us, the [SA], and the [HF] near Manhatten
Flying around in Liberty at these times was not easy, nor funny for an unlawful (has it ever been?), but the people of the [LR] made up for it. Sadly, noone of those early early days is here anymore. At least, i don't know of anyone.
There have been great situations, like the a Slipstream against Guardian right under a Dreadnought, long flights to get Armour-Upgrades, SNACs and such stuff to the armoury in a huge group, and other stuff.

It was also a great experience with the eary Volksfront, von Gotteshand/Cawdor and all the other people, but i had to notice it was not what i wanted to do.
I have to say that i'm disappointed over the way the Volksfront went to the present day, i'd have wished for it to go another way, the way we started, not the way it went.

Xeno Alliance
Well, what shall i say.
The first time, it was just epic. Dusty Lens, Tanker, whoeverwastheguywholedit, Laowei, and all the others... It was a great flair, an atmosphere i haven't experienced in any other clan.
The second time i joined, it was no longer the same.
It was different, not as entertaining as it used to be. A certain part was missing, i can't even give it a name, or describe it. Might be the playerbase, might be something else, i don't know. That's why i left so soon again.

Omega Pirates Guild
Mentira/Ivan. Gentle. Asno Muleo. Jure. Pirating Admins. Ench. Do i really have to say more?
Who didn't have the experience of the OPG the months after i joined, you missed something.
Sadly it died. Sadly i was one of those who weren't as active as the OPG deserved it to be. Sadly i lost my interest in the Corsairs.
The Black Sails, well i tried. I really tried, but read above.

I don't really remember much of my time with that group.
I can't say what happened, but i didn't want anymore.
What i remember are great battles of those slow Templars against fast and small Chimeras, that event of the spy which tried to escape from Kusari to Bretonia with a Chimera, great.
You're still doing a great job, continue with it!

Another short, but still nice time.
RPing the Police in Bretonia is certainly different from any other house.
I can only recommend to try it out.

Rheinland Military
Now that certainly was worth an experience.
All in all, it's one of the greatest groups out there.
But for me, it got poisoned by certain persons who come online, ask if you need help, and then go "Help yourself".
This is just a no-go, not tolerable for me. Sorry for leaving out of the blue, but it had to be.

Republican Express
I'd have wished for more convoys, or more flights into Liberty with Behemoths.
Of course it is different with a trade-faction, many people just trade when they need to, else they don't use those ships often.
My biggest problem was that trading is just so boring, and predictable.
On the other hand, pirating is as well.

Same as RepEx, just replace Liberty with Dublin.
And even though Kishiro has more potential than RepEx (in my eyes), it's even deader, motivates even less for flying. Don't know why.

Gallic Royal Police
Sad that Gallia almost always is empty.
There's not much i can say, just don't let it die already.

Ile de France Shipping
I had more convoy flight with IDF than i had with RepEx and Kishiro in ~2 years. Continue with that, and it will be a great group, use that potential!

Free Brigands of Gallia
Oh well, somehow it was the wrong player base it appears. Mostly people with limited time in a lowly populated area, didn't go as i hoped to. The few moments we had were nice, but just not enough apparently.
Although i have to notice, while flying together, it was also else than with the GC. For more details, see below.

Liberty Police Incorporated
The first many months certainly were great, but Liberty just is a place i cannot like.
The attitudes there aren't really something i like to face.
I hope you can continue, i hope you can rise again.
Also, if someone wants to continue the LPI-signature shop, send me a note so i can send the stuff over.

I don't think many people will know this group.
We tried to play the subgroup of the Unioners, who are just pirats. Nothing with politics and such stuff, just pirating in Rheinland. I still hope that there one day will be such a group, ours just did drop low in activity.

Natures Last Hope
Almost the group i've been with the longest time.
Certainly great RP, certainly worth an experience.
For all who didn't play a Gaian yet, do it. You can only gain.

Golden Chrysanthemums
Whoever says it's hard to play a female character doesn't know what it is like to do that.
It's easy, far too easy to not do it.
Get over to Kusari, populate it, and give it a try, you can't loose anything, not with the peopl who lead the Chrysanthemums now, it's just fun.
I remember countless (well not countless, but many many many) times we've been flying around, having a good time. It's just one of the greatest groups with some of the greatest people out there, and always was since it's beginning.

Some people i wish to mention:

Took his hat with a bang. Still, a nice chap.

Sad that he dropped so low in activity, he was certainly one of the best here. And the founder of the [GC]:yahoo:

While we are at the [GC], Saigo is the next that comes to my mind. If you don't know him, you missed something.
He is everything you'd like.

Good luck with the GC Jens, but you won't need it i think. You're good enough to land a Starfighter without engines and wings.

You too are one of the greatest chaps i knew around here. Continue like that, and you'll be one of the greatest here i believe.

Always good for a laugh, always there when you need him.

There are of course others, many others, but i'm running out of time. Maybe i'll edit them in later.

As a note, i'll be renaming the characters that have not been deleted due to inactivity tomorrow, so they are gone from the activity sheets. Maybe i'll keep a few, maybe i'll screw around every once in a while maybe not. Don't think i'll return to where i was before.
Buenos Noches, auf wiederlesen, good bye.
Hopefully this community will turn back from it's current course, and become something like the one it was once.

Personal resume of the past 3 years - frozen - 03-17-2011

dropping the thing of the past, id like to wish you good luck with whatever you do in your life.

Personal resume of the past 3 years - Blighter - 03-17-2011

Good luck to you in the future mate. Them times we had in l'OhPeyGeeh were damn fine and you've always been a kool guy. Wish you the best.

Personal resume of the past 3 years - Jansen - 03-17-2011

Good luck for whatever you wish to do Argo, take care and come back when you have some time/motivation. I've put a seat warmer on your place for the time being;)
Ill miss you:P

Personal resume of the past 3 years - Boss - 03-17-2011

I miss fighting the Orbital Power Gnomes.:(

Personal resume of the past 3 years - Durandal - 03-20-2011

Never really got to talking with you much, but you were always a real reasonable and laid back guy Argo. Somebody I could go to despite them being a faction leader and just talk to them like they were a regular joe, which's unfortunately kinda a rarity around here.

Best of luck to you, whatever you might do in the future, and thanks for the six suncannons. :cool:

Personal resume of the past 3 years - RmJ - 03-20-2011

Same as RepEx, just replace Liberty with Dublin.
And even though Kishiro has more potential than RepEx (in my eyes), it's even deader, motivates even less for flying. Don't know why.

I have that teraforming project. When the Embargo hit it kind messed that up. Believe me though I still need people to do trade routes for that project. Should anyone actually incline to do so.

But I suppose, fair well good space traveler!

Personal resume of the past 3 years - Tanker - 03-20-2011

Good luck with whatever you choose to do man. I know you will do it well.

"Xeno Alliance
Well, what shall i say.
The first time, it was just epic. Dusty Lens, Tanker, whoeverwastheguywholedit, Laowei, and all the others... It was a great flair, an atmosphere i haven't experienced in any other clan.
The second time i joined, it was no longer the same.
It was different, not as entertaining as it used to be. A certain part was missing, i can't even give it a name, or describe it. Might be the playerbase, might be something else, i don't know. That's why i left so soon again."

Well, for this, All I can do is apologize man. That was a rough time for the Xeno Alliance. We were struggling for members, had alot of newer ones, as well as activity issues. It was a trying time. I am sorry your 2nd time around was less than enjoyable.

Though I can say the group of guys we have now are just awesome. So, If, you decide to come back for any reason, the door will always remain open for you to fly with us once again.

