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Injuries! - Kontrazec (Somni) - 03-17-2011

Okay, so, do tell; Which was the worst injury in your life, and its cause? And I mean INJURY. Something that banged you up real bad.

Mine: Caught a huge root and got launched off my bike at a downhill race @ around 50 km/h, flew 7 meters forward and smashed into a huge oak. Result; both arms broken, one of which was an open fracture, femur (thigh bone) shattered, neck vertebrae damaged, severe concussion. I have no regrets though, and I still do downhill races.

Injuries! - r3vange - 03-17-2011

Punched a bully in he face, broke his nose fractured my wrist, another one I was mountain biking and fell off a 10 meter cliff in an amazing showcase of skill I landed like a bag of potatoes and broke an arm and a leg

Injuries! - Petitioner - 03-17-2011

I got scratched by my cat on the head for getting too close. :<

I know, that's the worst I've got I'm a huge loser imma go cry now :c:c:c

Injuries! - karlottatest - 03-17-2011

Not much to brag about, Im afraid.

I broke one of the bones in my shin.. the outer one... not the shin but the one in the smae part of hte leg.

And one time I almost cut my left index finger off while trying to cut would with a knife, in hte direction of hte fibres instead of perpendicular to it.

Then I fell into rusty barbed wire as a kid and messed up my left eyebrow, and few weeks later hit my head on a sharp edge and messed up my other eyebrow.

All I can think of right now, I know, not impressive.

Injuries! - ryoken - 03-17-2011

Got my left are caught in a CNC router. Crushed nerves/tendons/bone. Almost blacked out from the pain. But did $100,000 damage to CNC first getting out.

Injuries! - VoluptaBox - 03-17-2011

Last year, fell from a three...18 meters...not joking. It was somewhere on the news, wonder if I can find it on youtube,

1 month in hospital and some 3 home ....

Don't ask ....

Edit: after reading Karlotta's post. I'm not bragging about it, I'm actually ashamed, since it happened due to my own stupid mistake...

Injuries! - Jeremy Hunter - 03-17-2011

I fell.

Inside a six foot tall jack-o-lantern.

Somehow cracked my head. Got three stitches.

In kindergarden.

Injuries! - Silver.2 - 03-17-2011

Well, just a few days ago, I fell a few meters into a drainage ditch, sprained both of my ankles, cracked 4 ribs, and dislocated a finger.

Injuries! - Charo - 03-17-2011

Costin, do tell 8-|

Now for mine

I was chasing a cat and it was near dark. Turned a corner around the chicken coop (Cat was chasing a chicken.....they all got out of the fence we spent all day building..) and I stepped on an old rusty harvester thingy. Not the spikey party either, was the springy thingy 8-|

Couldn't walk for a month, had to do 4 blood tests, and 3 months of antibiotics.....

Injuries! - Rubber_Duck - 03-17-2011

about 10 years ago, i crossed the street, walking. A car came and i was driven over, with about 40 km/h. flew 5 meters, landed on the pavewalk where i slittered 2 more meters. cracked my head and jawbone...