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Fihghter Missle Resistance test - The Damned - 01-24-2006

O.k. First to introduce the Idea of the test. I got the idea after having several fights, and seeing that missles don't work all the way the same...Oh and I have to thank Dab for enfocing the idea of testing by saying that there is a bug, and the Eagle shouldn't blow from the first shot of a cannonball.

So here goes - first i'll be explainin' how missles work , for every1 who are not sure yet.

Basically the missle is a very good anti-fighter weapon. I need to tell that missles really work when the fighter is with sheilds down - when the hull is vurnable. So the damage of the missles might be written down as one in their infocards, but when calculating it on the hull its different.This is originally based consept from digital anvil. Missles do extensively good bonus against small crafts' hull.

Explanation from real life example - a normal fighter in these days can take a good number of hits from a 30 mm cannon used often in dogfights. On the other hands his meeting with a missle almoust everytime ends with destruction of the craft.The paralel with freelancer is to explain why energy guns do the exact damage written , and missles do always a big bonus over it, causing loss of equipment and ship parts ( if not immidiate death).AND IT'S NOT A BUG!

So the test im going to do for ALL lv 9 and lv 10 ships in the mod is going to show how things work for the fighters.Frst I want to make a call to every1 out there willing to help me - IF you have a fighter and some $$$ so u can switch it for a while by buying other figter only for the test (you don't loose anything - i hold it in me while the test is commencing), so I can really make a general research on all the fighters high levels, don't hesitate to contact me in-game (my chars are written im my signature).

For now I have a teory ( it will be untill I have done tests to all fighters) : The original FL fighters models take the bonus from the missle fire (loose parts, get high % of damage from 1 shot), the models that are not from the game , but are imported take very little damage from missles (and dont loose parts-just because they dont have any brokable ones).

Missles used in the test are canonballs. I don't test torps because they work the same way.

For the purposes of the test i do several runs as follows:
1st testing first without an armor - firing directly on the ship
2nd firing missle on a specially aimed part of the ship - wing , fin , tale etc.( not at the equipment ) This is done only on the original models , because the imported ones don't have a 3D targeting option - when switched to target u see only guns and equipment hanging in the air (space).

3rd testing includes 1st and 2nd but with equpped armor ( at least LV 6 armor )

For now I have done full tests on these ships :
Sabre - hull 10 800
Werewolf - hull 14 600
Avenger - hull 13 400
Marsflyer - hull 16 200

I need more tests to do on these ones:
Eagle - hull 9 900
Slipstream - hull 8 600
(and of cource all the other Lv9 and lv 10 ships)

[I]Test results from the sabre:
1st - straight fire on the mid-hull
After the impact the ship was left to 50 % hull.
2nd - Aiming at the wing-arches of the ship.
After the impact followed the destruction of the ship - critical strike spot(both wings)
3rd - mounting lv 6 armor got the following results:
1st - straight fire on mid-hull
After the impact the ship was left to 75% hull.
(This shows that armor does work and there are NO BUGS)
2nd - aiming at the wing-arches
After the impact the ship was left to 45-50% hull.
This concludes the test with the sabre.

Test results from the Werewolf:
1st - straight fire on the mid-hull
After impact the missle does no or very little damage. Considering that the ship is from the original model i must say that the nose of the Werewolf is a immunity point. Have seen it on NPC's wolfhounds - they have resisted direct hit from cannonball in the nose, but a hit on the side board really rips apart.
2nd - fire on the strboard side, aiming at the fins
after the impact 60-70% hull damage - critical spot
3rd - After mounting armor lv 6:
1st - immunity piont- almoust no damage
2nd - critical point damage - 30 %

Test results from the Avenger:
1st - straight fire
Imminent destruction.
2nd - aiming at the fin
Imminent destruction.
3rd - mounting lv 6 armor
1st - straight fire
75 % hull damage with wings torn
2nd - aiming at the wing
75% hull damage with wings torn
no immunity or critical spot.

Test results with the Marsflyer.
Due to lack of 3D aiming - only straight fire used
The test is not fully concluded, but results from the 3rd run are imaginable.
Straight fire with no armor:
About 20 % hull damage for missle.
No bounus damage.

Unconcluded tests with Eagle and Slipstream:
Straight fire ( i dont know if Dab was havin' armor - he was in a hurry)
100 % hull damage - destruction.
Straight fire ( no 3D aiming model)
10% or less per missle , rerely hittable.
(For the results now im reporting serious advantage for the Slipstream)

The Rheiland Bomber - 21 800 hull
Due he is imported model i can't aim to find a critical spot.
Without armor : 6 shots till 99% hull damage
With armor : 11 missles till 99 % hull damage
No bonus from the explosion type ordinance.
I give it to the fact that it is imported.
Maybe there is some way to reduce imported ships resistanse against missles.

Liberty Light fighter Liberator - 6 800 hull
With no armor:
Aiming centrall hull - 1 shot - 99 % damage
Aiming at fin - 1 shot - destruction
With Lv 6 armor ( no big difference than the LV 7 one ):
Aiming at central hull - 1 shot - 25 % damage
Aiming at fin - 1 shot - 70 % damage
Critical pionts - fins.

Bretonia light fighter Hussar - 7400 hull
With no armor:
Aiming at central hull - 1 shot - 70 % damage
Aiming at tail - 1 shot - 90% damage
With Lv VII armor:
Aiming at central hull - 1 shot damage - 15% damage
Aiming at tail - 1 shot - 25% damage

Breatonia VHF Templar - 14 000 hull
With no armor:
Aiming at central hull - 1 shot - destruction
Aiming at tail - 95 % damage
With armor Lv VII:
Aiming at centrall hull - 1 shot - 30% damage
AIming at tail - 1 shot - 30% damage

Kusari light fighter Wyrm - 7200 hull
With no armor:
Aiming at hull - 1 shot - destruction
Aiming at wing - 1 shot - destruction
With Lv II armor:
Aimig at hull - 1 shot - 20% damage
Aiming at wing - 1 shot - 40% damage

Kusari VHF Chimaera - 12400 hull
With no armor:
Aiming at hull - 1 shot - destruction
Aiming at wing - 1 shot - destruction
With no armor:
Aiming at hull - 1 shot - 50% damage / frontal fire on the nose - 30% damage
Aiming at wing - 1 shot - 50% damage

Blood Dragon - 9 600 hull
With no armor:
Aiming at hull - 1 shot - 90% damage
Aiming at wing - 1 shot - destruction
With armor Lv VII:
Aiming at hull - 1 shot - 20% damage
Aiming at hull - 1 shot - about 37-40% damage

Special thanks to my partner in the tests - Maruder.

For these tests were used sidewinder torpedoes.

Full test on Slipstream - 8 600 hull
All tests showed 1 thing - without armor this ship takes about 10 missles to destroy.
With armor even more...

Nomad Fighter - 14 800 hull
With armor it took about 20 or more shots... no comment (I give it to the alien design of the ship).

Full test on Eagle - 9 900 hull
With armor regarding of the aim a shot does about 45 % damage
With no armor regarding of the aim - 1 shot 1 kill.

Test on the Titan - 12 600 hull
With armor regerding from the aim a shot does about 45 % damage.
With no armor regarding of the aim - 1 shot 1 kill.

Conclusion : there is NO BUG with the Eagle. This is program based from Digital Anvil. Titan has the same resistance as the Eagle (but not the same agility).

The tests of Slipstream, Nomad , Eagle and Titan were made a fact thanks to Nesa.

I'll edit the post when I get more results. I must say that no major comments are to be made utill alll ship are tested.
Once again I pleed for any1 wiling to participate to contact me in-game.
The information from the test is valuable for the gameplay and balance.

I want to thank every1 who took part so far... waiting for more people to get other ships, so we can test 'em.
Again I'll update the post when I have additional info and results.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Wolfpack98 - 01-24-2006

Eagle has a bug when it comes to the armor. Proven fact by both myself and Korrd.

Now, I can admit this:

when you target a wing, and fire on it, it seems to do DOUBLD DAMAGE to the eagle. probably due to shockwave effect. Not really sure.

The new, imported ships have a 3D targeting effect, but it depends on if the CMP included a MAT file with it. some do, some don't. when the MAT file is not included, i'm guessing the game doesn't know how to allow hits.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Dab - 01-24-2006

The eagle does have that armor bug. And the missiles seem to not even affect the new ships. My idea is that someone should change those ships to add in musltiple components instead of just one big piece of hull. The eagle gerts damage more on certain components such as wings, the Slipstream doesn not have this problem as it is just one big piece of hull. This extra damage to certain components was a part of the game and should stay but we need to change the new ships to be affected the same way.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Sid - 01-24-2006

dab on every server i been on i havent seen a costome ship that had the wire fram thing on the scaner it may not be possble or may cause unwhanted afects do know though. just thought id say my bit.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Igiss - 01-24-2006

Breaking hull into parts is an extremely difficult task that none of us will be able to complete. But I'll do what I can about new ships.

Continue with the survey, it's helpful.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - The Damned - 01-24-2006

Oh and a suggestion for the Titan. Its about his agility. There are more than enough fighters with better agility and armor than his (for example - werewolf, the house MK II fighters , the Rheiland bomber ?!, and marsflyer - but according to his price that is logical) . So I suggest his agility shuold be improved so he can stand a better chance against the fighters his class ( it happened that from bein' the best VHF in the original Fl he became the worst ).

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Korrd - 01-24-2006

Well, those woh fly original FL ships will have to be more careful in combat.

Bad side: disadvantage against non original ships. :(
Good side: they became more skilled. :)

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Firebird - 01-24-2006

Suggestion, what about making the ships that aren't affected by missiles less agile than the ones that are.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Virus - 01-24-2006

And as for the Marsflyer, second missile took out my counter measure dropper. Also, another one might have taken out my mine dropper. Those tend to be what I ALWAYS lose in combat when the opponent uses missiles

After that may have been the thruster, I also tend to lose that in battle, though not nearly as often.

Fihghter Missle Resistance test - Dab - 01-24-2006

The Damned,Jan 24 2006, 02:32 PM Wrote:Oh and a suggestion for the Titan. Its about his agility. There are more than enough fighters with better agility and armor than his (for example - werewolf, the house MK II fighters , the Rheiland bomber ?!, and marsflyer - but according to his price that is logical) . So I suggest  his agility shuold be improved so he can stand a better chance against the fighters his class ( it happened that from bein' the best VHF in the original Fl he became the worst ).

The titan was made less agile for a reason. I think it is fine how it is. Maybe even needs a lttle less agility.