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To Rheinland Police & Military - Adam_Spire - 03-18-2011

Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: New Berlin
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

Guten Abend defenders of Rheinland. First off, I want to apologize to the Federal police here in Rheinland. I have neglected to converse with them about their part in Rheinland and for symmetry, I asked them to join in on this discussion. Things have been going rather well in the Munich system and I calculate we have reduced the illegal Military Vehicle shipments out of that system by at least 48%. I calculate this based on the number of unauthorized transports my freelancers have stopped or destroyed. More can and will be done.

With things as they are, I am again in a position to ask the Police and Military what they need. I have pulled all of my freelancers out of Omega 7 and focused here in Munich as I found so many issues restrict more fluid movement. With Omega 7, again, becoming a trouble spot, I have even entered back into the fray.

I would like to know what Rheinland needs most. Able bodied pilots or ships. I am in a position to provide one or the other, but not both.

Take your time in considering my offer and I'€™ll provide full details as to the plan I have in mind.

Be assured, if you need ships, once transferred over to the Police or Military, they are yours, no questions will be asked.

If we need pilots, I have run into a few in my travels who stood out from the rest. I'€™d ask them to independently go through Rheinland'€™s laws and adhere to them. Having been home, I can understand now how trust is an issue. Not many are willing to build it up over time and prove themselves. Yet I feel the ones I have met, may have what it takes to help Rheinland. Again, nothing will be put into motion without Rheinland approval.

I'€™m hoping the police will consider this offer genuine as I am hoping, with a stronger police force, the Military can focus on more substantial goals.

Transmission Completed

To Rheinland Police & Military - Sturmwind - 03-18-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinwehr Korvette Hansa,[color=#33CC00] Frankfurt System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-NVA-56-91.

[Image: mauser.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Major Philip Mauser, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Adam Spire.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Contracts.

Guten Tag, Herr Spire.

The Rheinwehr feels that you and your companions have lived up to our expectations to the fullest in the past months you have been under our contract. Dealing with the shipping violators when our men were not on the field was huge help already. If you continue overseeing such matters, we will be satisfied, however...

I believe the Bundespolizei could use some additional help, most probably with direct assistance in transferring personnel to them. We will await a reply from them regarding the matter, until then we will not give you additional tasking.


Major Philip Mauser,
16. Kriegsmarine-Division,
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

To Rheinland Police & Military - Adam_Spire - 03-18-2011

Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: New Berlin
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

Thank you Major Mauser. I'll await the contact of one of the heads of Bundespolizei to see what can be done on their end.

Transmission Completed

To Rheinland Police & Military - Adam_Spire - 03-21-2011

<div align="center] Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: New Berlin
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

Guten Abend again to you gentlemen. As per the only request I could see, I have a few pilots I would like you to consider. While around Coronado, refitting the FireHawk I came under attack from a lone Nomad fighter and communicated for assistance. In came a Freelancer named Bow_Rhan. He helped me hold off the nomad long enough for it to be forced to retreat.

He has a friend by the name of, Ayumi, that I believe is her name.

They both fly gunboats and are willing to help Rheinland. I have asked them to do the following:
  • Openly offer assistance to the major house corporations ALG, Kruger, Daumann, and Republican.
  • Report, and I stress, report illegal cargo shipments via unauthorized trading vessels.
  • Do not fire upon illegal trade ships unless specifically given permission to by a direct military [RM] or Federal Police, RFP ship.
  • Assist House friendly ships belonging to Samura and Kishiro.
  • Defend Rheinland House space from the Red Hessian, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB) or Unioner forces.
  • Report any Liberty activity within Rheinland but do not interact with Rheinland in military operations.
  • Register their vessels with Rheinland showing their reputation to Rheinland its enemies.
  • Above all, follow Rheinland law

The one question many ask us is why not just become bounty hunters? Why not just assign yourselves with the local police as we are merely performing a similar job?

My answer is two part. Because as Freelancers, I feel there is a stronger respect for Rheinland as a whole when Sirius sees men and women openly to support and fight for a House, rather than do it because they are ordered to.

Secondly, as Freelancers, we tend to see and hear things someone in a Rheinland ship or sporting a military ID won'€™t see. Unauthorized trade ships are more likely to let their guard down and show their true colors. I cannot abide in someone who plays on both sides of the fence and I don'€™t believe Rheinland does either.

The issue of trust, for myself, is settled. Bow_Rhan didn'€™t have to pull my ass out of the fire but he did, and I respect that. My hope in all this is that, with time, Bow and Ayumi can not only become a great asset to Rheinland but also to provide another resource for Rheinland to pull from.

This is not an application nor am I being their representative. This is mainly to allow Rheinland to keep in check the goings-on in their own systems. I'€™ve encouraged these two to open a dialogue with Rheinland and speak on their own behalf. They are of course, Freelancers.

On a side note, unrelated to these two freelancers, what is Rheinlands position of people who are converted to the use of Cardamine? Would Rheinland permit the extension of a person who requires the substance in order to survive, but provide security for Rheinland? Is this going too far? No, no one on my team uses Cardamine nor do Bow_Rhan or Ayumi , this is just a question.

This is all a lot to take in and I will respect and abide to any decision you see is best.

Transmission Completed

To Rheinland Police &amp; Military - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-21-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: 2ed075d.jpg]
--Incoming Transmission--
ID Source:Kadett "Daniel"
Location: Frankurt Department

Guten Tag again Herr Spire.
We are currently debating this reply at this time.
Please be patient in our response.
That is all.

--End of Transmission--
--Transmission Logged--

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

To Rheinland Police &amp; Military - Adam_Spire - 03-21-2011

Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: New Berlin
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

Always good to hear from you Kadett Daniel.

What I'm inquiring about and asking for is not an easy thing to answer. Take all the time you need. Thank you again.

Transmission Completed

To Rheinland Police &amp; Military - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 03-21-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Helga Weiss
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
Good day, herr Spire. Excuse me for rather slow answer.
Rheinland Federal Polizei doesn't really need people under employ actually fighting pirates, but if you're so interested in it, you're free to register on Rheinland bounty offices. I'm sure some corporations (Synth Foods, DHC, for example) would gladly pay you to kill their outlaw enemies.

However, we're in need of informants. As you already suggested, Rheinwehr or bundespolizei leaves more impression then.... some mercenaries. But, if we should come to any contract, we shouldn't announce it yet, since smugglers usually are well-informed. Unfortunately I don't know what do you want to earn, therefore I'm unable to leave you suitable offer. So tell me, what do you want from us in exchange?

On final note, I'd say we need ships, but so far you've proven to be useful enough to keep them. Therefore I wish you good luck.

Post scriptum. Oh, and cardamine. So far our position've proven to be untolerant, but real answer depends on what Reichstag chooses to say.
[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

To Rheinland Police &amp; Military - Adam_Spire - 03-21-2011

Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: Omega 7
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

Thank you again for your reply herr Weiss. If your request for ships is valid, here is my offer:

Two (2) Rheinland Gunboat $44,014,750
Three (3) 13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir" Bomber $14,303,430 (is there another bomber that may be better?)
Five (5) 19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir" Rheinland Super Heavy Fighter $5,303,430
Five (5) 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter $1,918,130
Seven (5) 90-ARKM-N9 "Valkyre" Rheinland Heavy Fighter $413,630

To be equipped with:

Armor Upgrade Mk VIII 2.5x 20 $15,250,000
Capital Armor Upgrade Mk IV 3.0x 210 $48,000,000 (for the gunboat of course)

These ships can be started when my crew also ships the proper amount of these items:
Engine Components
Basic Alloy
Bio-Neural Processors
High Temperature Alloy
Optical Chips
Quantum Multiplexors
Ship Hull Panels
Super Alloy
Spaceship Crew

Let me know know what you're in need of most for ships and I'll work out the rest. Since this is an offer to you, there would be no overhead cost to Rheinland.

I'm also leaving this communication open to Mr Rhan to speak for himself as to what he wants.

-=-=-End transmission-=-=-

To Rheinland Police &amp; Military - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 03-24-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Helga Weiss
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
Herr Spire, I'm rather surprised by your willingful donations to defence of Rheinland. Especially if those donations won't really require anything from us. That's why I'm handling your case by myself.

Polizei at the moment needs 13-ARKM-N37 (I think one will suffice for some time, they're very heavy) and 90-ARKM-N45, number of three. I've already consulted with construction specialists, and they've mentioned Wraiths will require about 20 engine conmonents (only 4, if you manage to purchase some from our Rheinland corporate friends, who're so awesome in engineering), 500 bars of basic alloys, 300 bars of high-temperature alloys, 40 boxes of compressed MOX fuel in rods, 60 hardened iron barrels of H-fuel, 200 bars of copper superconductors. Rest of that will be provided by our engineers. Oh, and we do already have suitable pilots for those Wraiths, there're hunders of people from ground military forces who've passed flight tests and are waiting for the transfer.

If you're in need of any specifics, please contact specialist Conrad Goldt, one of engineers of the Ring orbital shipyard of Berlin system. Construction above mentioned ships may take place on planets Stuttgart, Berlin, Hamburg, Nuremberg or the Ring. Location of construction is up to you, you may make your path shorter, perhaps.
[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

To Rheinland Police &amp; Military - Adam_Spire - 03-24-2011

Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: Omega 7
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

That should work out just fine. I'€™ll have Jim Southerland supply the materials and then, once delivered, I'€™ll contact the Ring station Engineer, Conrad Goldt for any additional specs. The moment the supplies are delivered we'€™ll get those ships ready to launch and ready to go.

one (1) 13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir" Bomber $14,303,430
three (3) 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter

I'll arm and armor these things to the teeth. And as for why I'm doing this.

I'€™m a citizen of Rheinland. A Freelancer with a choice and this is what I choose. I believe the best hope for stability in this region of space lies with Rheinland. I hope my actions will encourage our corporations and other citizens to the same goal.

I have one more thing I'€™d like to add. Harley '€œCowboy'€ Kent is flying the [FL]-Venerable around Rheinland space and I'€™ve deployed him to Omega 7. Any assistance Kruger or Rheinland needs in that region, call out to him.

Transmission Completed