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Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Printable Version

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Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Dieter Schprokets - 01-22-2008

You know the drill, Gentlemen. (and lady)

Please post the names of your characters, and what they are flying, for our duty Roster. (include clones)

We have added many members in recent weeks, and the Roster is in desperate need of updating.

Do NOT include your Traders! They are NOT officially [M], but independent, and a nefarious enemy could learn who they are here, and then attack them.

NOTE TO CONSULS: Please include names of players and characters whom you know are active, in case they are remiss in responding to this.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Flo - 01-22-2008

Reporting for duty.

Wasn't the roster changed so that there is no need of listing all the ships?


Dha_Piruna - Stinger VHF
Dha.Piruna - Blood Dragon HF
N'jurkad - BH Bomber
Or'dinii - BH Gunship

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Dieter Schprokets - 01-22-2008

Yes, but I want to know the Order of Battle of the Fleet.

Please provide your character names and what they fly, Flo.

I can probably remember, but please post here.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Zapp - 01-22-2008

Lee.Scott[M], flying an Eagle. Haven't been flying, because I've been waiting to see you to change those two certain guns out for something like Adv. Splitters or whatever you said they were...

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - tfmachad - 01-22-2008

Alright, alright. Here it goes:

Consul Ranov'la Aran's personal garage: VHF, Bomber, GS

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Phletch - 01-22-2008

Reporting! Recruit Phletch at your service.

Phletch[M] - Stinger

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Rabid_American - 01-22-2008

******Incoming Transmission*****

Roger Sorry for the slow Reply Cichlid[M] Reporting and ready for action!

Cichlid[M] Flying Viper MkII

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - Jack Archer - 01-22-2008

Comm ID: Amanda Woods
Recivning ID: [M] Ships

Amanda Woods Checking in... pzzzttt... Long range transmitter damaged sorry ...pzzt.. o long to reply...

I ha... pppzzzztttt.... Gunboat Freyja, Avenger VHF...Pzzzt...

Woods o... pppzzztttt...

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - caylith - 01-23-2008

Kyr'am.Prudii[M] reporting in. Flying my Manta.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Roll Call - lucmccloud - 01-23-2008

Luc McCloud reporting, Highly inactive due to circumstances, so please bear with me.