Discovery Gaming Community
Hello to all - Printable Version

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Hello to all - Reverend Del - 01-22-2008

Hi, I'm (very) new to Discovery, having only discovered it yesterday. Was unable to connect all day yesterday and only today managed to find the necessary links to play MP. (yes, I know, my intenet-fu is weak.) However have spent a few minutes in there earlier on and haven't been attacked yet, which compares to my other online FL experience about two years which caused me to put my copy away in a box.

I'm looking forward to playing properly and would be interested to hear some hints on a newbie getting started in this rough, tough universe.

Oh yeah and I'm Brannigan on the server, if anyone else has that name let me know and I'll start a new character, it won't be any hassle.

Hello to all - Othman - 01-22-2008

Welcome bud.. Please check the server rules before beginning your adventure here. And have fun.

Hello to all - Etaphreven - 01-22-2008

Welcome to Discovery mate:)

Read the rules, follow them and have fun!


Hello to all - Eppy - 01-22-2008

What they said. Welcome to the party, mate, and watch out for the Communist Penguins. Always. They're watching.

Glad to see you like the mod. We've, unfortunately, recently recieved a large number of strange people who like to PvP whore and spam System chat with OOC. Pay no attention to them, chances are that they will shortly be shot by somebody IN-roleplay. If you find yourself bored and start looking for faction, join one of the Outcast factions, specifically mine, because we rock and have free Cardamine:lol:Read the rules, and if BULLDOG threatens to eat you, just ignore him, he's harmless.

Hello to all - Reverend Del - 01-22-2008

Thanks to all, for the warm welcome, however, I think I'll go legit for my first character on the server, may play nasty later. :D

Hello to all - Heartless - 01-22-2008

Welcome to Disco, read the rules and to Discover!

Hello to all - 13CentKiller - 01-22-2008

Welcome to disco....!! :D

When you get a trading vessel sorted out, come to Kyushu..
I has a surprise for you muhahahahaha :crazy::crazy:

Cheers :cool:

Hello to all - Xing - 01-23-2008


welcome to the server =P

Hello to all - Zelot - 01-23-2008

' Wrote:Welcome to disco....!!:D

When you get a trading vessel sorted out, come to Kyushu..
I has a surprise for you muhahahahaha:crazy::crazy:



Tel, can't wait to go at it again.

Hello to all - Empty - 01-23-2008

Welcome to you ...

Have a nice day / nice play / nice shoot ( or trade )