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Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - Cannon - 03-23-2011

I managed to do nothing about what I planned to do yesterday. Instead the following changes have been made:
- Swearword filtering. This isn't clever or smart and will have some false detections. Let me know if you experience a false detection. People are at first warned and then tempbanned. Group chat is ignored by the filter. Please note that people do get reported for swearing in group chats and they do get sanctioned for it. It is best not to do it.

- Prohibit docking with bases if your reputation is less than -0.55 with respect to the base owner. This change exists so that we can remove move some reputation ninja settings from hostile to not quite hostile.

- A fix for the sensor system (TLAGSNET). There are probably more bugs to find in this module.

- An adjustment to the anticheat so that people with copies of FL that are slightly different to the original - not cheating but not the same - do not have their weapons disabled.

To do next:
- Try to find the causes of these annoying crashes. Uggh!
- Try to stop a ship in space if the player disconnects/F1s.
- Fix /selfdestruct so that it turns the ship into a standard starflea with an engine.
- Find out why ships sometimes drift so much. The should drift based on the amount of time they have been disconnected. The expected rate is 1 meter per second of disconnect time up with a maximum of 50k in the y-axis and 1/10th of that in the x and z axis.
- Other things that I've forgotten about

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - William Frederick Cody - 03-23-2011


Awesome once more.

Thank you cannon.

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - michiyl - 03-23-2011

With the Incredible Cannon working soooo damn hard on the FL-Hook I wonder when the end is nigh! :mellow:
I mean for 4.85 of course :D

Thanks Cannon! Keep up the good work!

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - AeternusDoleo - 03-23-2011

Quote:- Find out why ships sometimes drift so much. The should drift based on the amount of time they have been disconnected. The expected rate is 1 meter per second of disconnect time up with a maximum of 50k in the y-axis and 1/10th of that in the x and z axis.
So that's why our barge keeps needing to cruise back to station every time we log onto it... Intentional drift. I'd really appreciate an exemption to this for the barge, considering it tends to be a stationary platform that exists in space, rather then something that docks with a base after being useful. Moving the thing back... with that turnrate... Plus... 1m/s is 5% of it's top speed:D

The docking denial, if working, would sort out a major headache for Kruger, Daumann and IMG when being forced hostile to eachother to prevent docking here and there. Would recommend a bigger buffer between "hostile" and "no-dock" though, so shooting a few NPCs won't grant you a one time docking clearance.

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - Vladimir - 03-23-2011

Can we have the repninja for IMG-Hess turned off or edited to not allow Hessiand dock on IMG bases but allowing IMG to get any rep they want with Hesss)) for the sake of trollplay and all, then?

And yes, i've said this a few times before and this time i'll just mirror Aeternus's words - don't force Barge to drift, please.

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - Echo 7-7 - 03-23-2011

Quote:- Prohibit docking with bases if your reputation is less than -0.55 with respect to the base owner. This change exists so that we can remove move some reputation ninja settings from hostile to not quite hostile.

Ooh, this is smart. I don't know what "-0.55" translates to in rep-bars - is there a long way between no-dock unfriendly to outright hostile?

Quote:Awesome once more.
Thank you cannon.

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - Anonymous User - 03-23-2011

' Wrote:- Swearword filtering. This isn't clever or smart and will have some false detections. Let me know if you experience a false detection. People are at first warned and then tempbanned. Group chat is ignored by the filter. Please note that people do get reported for swearing in group chats and they do get sanctioned for it. It is best not to do it.

add PM plz...

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - celestina - 03-23-2011

Ah that explains why my weps got disabled yesterday, my father made mortar particle shoot as Trebuchet... Ill try today again

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - alphadog - 03-23-2011

' Wrote:add PM plz...
Or don't... most rants are in PM

Admin Notice: Server testing #8 - chopper - 03-23-2011

Quote:- An adjustment to the anticheat so that people with copies of FL that are slightly different to the original - not cheating but not the same - do not have their weapons disabled.

So that was the problem... Good to know.
I wonder, however, because my guns started working again before you tweaked the thing. Or at least it seemed that way.

Quote:- Find out why ships sometimes drift so much. The should drift based on the amount of time they have been disconnected. The expected rate is 1 meter per second of disconnect time up with a maximum of 50k in the y-axis and 1/10th of that in the x and z axis.

This is not entirely true. Maybe it should be like that, but it ain't.
Just an hour ago I drifted 30k even though I was back in space after 2 minutes.
And after that, I logged in a ship that was F1'd in space few days ago, it was next to a base.
Also, when it's 'moved' - it's always down (more often) or up (less, but happens), it never drifts straight.
There, hope it helps a bit.