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Reaver Mercenary Contract - Printable Version

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Reaver Mercenary Contract - Radio Freies Rheinland - 03-26-2011

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]< Rheinland Revolutionary Alliance network broadcast initiated >

[font=agency fb]This interested party is ready to open a contract with the Reaver Mercenary Company.

We are prepared to put an initial offer at 500 Million Credits.

Should you prove to be both useful and trustworthy then further cooperation might be offered.

The contract is as follows:


Bountied Factions:

/ Republican / DHC / RM / BHG / Corsairs / RFP / ALG / RoS

Requirement: Identification Papers (ID)

Snubcrafts belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth three (3) million credits per kill.

Gunboats and Cruisers belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth five (5) million credits per kill.

Battleships belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth ten (10) million credits per kill.


Bountied Factions:

Kruger / Republican / DHC / ALG

Requirement: Identification Papers (ID)

Transports belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth five (5) million credits per kill.

Special Bonus (1): 0.5 million credits bonus per 1000 cargo units.

Special Bonus (2): Carrying full load of ore gives you an automatic ten (10) million credits bonus.

Full load defined as 4000 units of ore or more.


Bountied Factions:

Kruger / DHC

Requirement: Identification Papers (ID)

Miners belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth three (3) million credits per kill.

Special Bonus: Two (2) million credits bonus if the mining ship carries full load of ore and you destroy the cargo.

Full load of ore defined as 2500 units of ore or more.


All targets applies ONLY inside Rheinland Territory.
This includes Omega-3, Omega-5, Omega-7, Omega-11, Omega-47, Hudson and Bering.

Corsair Bounties may also be claimed within Omega-41, Omicron Theta and Omicron Gamma.


You are NOT allowed to engage any Mandalorian Mercenaries inside Omega-11, Dresden and Omega-7 (self-defence is allowed, evidence is required.)

You are NOT allowed to engage any Hessians ships (self-defence is allowed, evidence is required.)

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]< broadcast terminated >
< trace signal found >
< channel available for reply >

Note: This board is offered by the [RHA] Faction but remains disclosed as attainable information.

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Reaver Company Inc. - 03-26-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company

This contract sounds more than reasonable.

Count us in.

[color=#CCCCCC]-( Transmission Terminated

Reaver Mercenary Contract - BaconSoda - 03-26-2011

[Image: commslinkpumpernickel.png]

Good stuff here. Totally told a guy we were going to go raid Bering with him. Totally made him into a sandwich on the way. Totally dastardly: The 5,000,000 credits can go to Pumpernickel.Reaver. Thanks.

Hope that helps,
~John Mackinac

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Silver - 03-27-2011

[Image: commslinksilver.png]
New contract, new kills.
Me and Ghost went to do some head hunting and booya.
One Titan and an Imperator.

Fun fun fun.

Except that the drones and their support chewed my Roc so much that i needed to head back to Omega-41 and switch to my brand new Mamoru. But hey, they didn't spotted me doing it. Ah-ah!


.:Paparazzi ID Scan:.
.:Ghost shoots! Ghost scores a low blow!:.

.:[SGB]Patriot-1 ID Scan:.
.:Boooya. The Capitano tried.. But failed, for death came at the right time:.

Send 8.000.000 credits to Silver.Reaver

Kisses and stuff,

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Backo - 03-27-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( Nathan "Inchworm" Davis

It's been a while since I last claimed something and the boss is pissed. Send the cash to: Inchworm.Reaver and I'll split the credits later!

-( Transmission Terminated

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Wuselkobold - 03-27-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( Daniel "Yale" Crow

'ello there!

Now that is quiet a hitlist there! Started working on it already too. 9 Million Credits to Yale.Reaver


-( Transmission Terminated

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Silver - 03-28-2011

[Image: commslinksilver.png]
Color me lucky, whisky me death.

Lot's of kills, loads of fun, wad's of cash.

A 'sair gunboat that thought it would be nice to go against a Rot Front Sabre in O-11, and an infestation of hunters in O-7.

Didn't end well for them.

First, the 'sair.
.:Pedro_de_Alvares ID Scan:.
.:Smoked, purged and killed. The Reaver way:.

And then the Hunters.

.:z0bit ID Scan:.
.:Donatello ID Scan:.
.:Rimak_Nort ID Scan:.

.:Oh my gods. A Spatial. I cried of laughter:.
.:Aaaaaand a Mafic. I mean. What's wrong with these people?:.
.:Booooya. One less Hunter in Sirius:.

Do mind that Herr Hessler, that appeared to support me, was targeted by two EDGE Mantas. Be warned, they might be lurking for the quick kill.

Just a friendly advice from someone that knows how a Hunter hunts.

Send 14.000.000 credits to [color=#FFFFFF]Silver.Reaver


[Image: commslinkend.png]

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Shryke - 03-28-2011

[Image: 2m2dto6.png]


You're it!

Just messing around. Good way to relieve tension after a day of business. Got some Corsairs to claim. Good ole Silver did the photography on this one.

Gunboat went poof.
And his Titan friend did as well.

Till next time.

Your friendly neighborhood Onyx.Reaver.

Oh yeah, that'll be 8 million for the pair to Onyx.Reaver

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Daedric - 03-31-2011

[Image: commslinkmalachite.png]
Bonjour my friends,

Destroyed a Kruger transport today. Its captain was rather rude.
ID | Emptied its holds

5,000,000 to Malachite.Reaver
[Image: commslinkend.png]

Reaver Mercenary Contract - Schwarzengel - 03-31-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Oberleutnant Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Reaver Mercenaries, all your outstanding payments ist forvarded to your personal bank akounts.

Malachite Reaver, ich alvays thought mercs said "Time ist money", nein? Please fur ze sake ov your own money, stop uploading guncams vith BMP enkryption, bekause if you kontinue to do so, your klaims might be aksidentally overlooked in ze future.

Access Attachment:
Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]