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Additions to the swearword filter - Printable Version

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Additions to the swearword filter - Cannon - 03-27-2011

At the moment only the worst swearwords and words typically used to insult people in very bad ways are in the filter. Several words in the original have been removed because they're not used to insult people often.

I was wondering about adding some non swearwords to the filter:


What do people think?

Additions to the swearword filter - Echo 7-7 - 03-27-2011

Yes. Do it.

Edit: In local and system, as described below.

Additions to the swearword filter - Disco - 03-27-2011

Maybe get rid of all abbreviations? E.g Lol, wtf, wth, lmao

People may complain, so maybe only filter those in local and system.

Additions to the swearword filter - VoluptaBox - 03-27-2011

Meh, it's okay for local/system channel. But people use those a lot in private and group.

Edit: the disco ball ninja'd be:smile2:

Additions to the swearword filter - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 03-27-2011

Please add the following 'pieces of the keyboard' into the filter aswell.


Additions to the swearword filter - Dart - 03-27-2011

add them to the filter to what they should be

lol= *laighs* or *haha*
rofl = same but with more intensity etc

please dont filter lolspeak with '//' OOC text.

Additions to the swearword filter - Snoozzzer - 03-27-2011

I feel that in addition to filtering out those words, adding the string "//" to your list would be most beneficial to immersion in the ingame roleplay environment.

Edited to expand on my suggestion:

Everyone has real life emergencies, computers that start acting up, routers that occasionally drop connection. Informing other parties of these issues at the time has it's merits, being both needed in an attempt to cover oneself from sanctions, or plain good form to fix networking issues to improve interactions with others.

And this can be done by typing "Hey fellars, there's someone calling me" or "Be right back, my router is acting up". Both of these sentences can very well be in character. All ships in Sirius are networked, many have multiple crewmembers. The majority of real life issues can easily be integrated into the roleplaying environment.

However, using "//" in front of your messages cannot be. "//" ruins the immersion in the roleplaying environment. It is the same as delivering an elegantly worded message to your opponent, only to be greeted with a "LOL WUT U WANT??:)))". Filtering out "//" would still allow one to convey real life emergencies and out of roleplay issues, but without waving a flag saying "Stop what you're doing, this is only a computer game. You're not really in space, chatting with a naval officer, but are in fact sitting in front of a laptop, not wearing any pants"

Additions to the swearword filter - Jeremy Hunter - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:I feel that in addition to filtering out those words, adding the string "//" to your list would be most beneficial to immersion in the ingame roleplay environment.

We cant RP everything.

Everyone OOC at some point.

Fact of life.

Additions to the swearword filter - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:We cant RP everything.

Everyone OOC at some point.

Fact of life.

Signed, what Jeremy said.

It happened to me several times, the need to abandon a player encounter because of RL. I just notified him of that by using the double /.

Additions to the swearword filter - ryoken - 03-27-2011

in main,and local works for me. Just not PM/group.
// would be very bad. Only way some can tell others an important non RP fact. All the server would soon be banned.

PS. For those that get banned for lol and such. Same Ban will apply? or can you see what they got banned for,and make it a little less extreme then the F-bomb and such. Just asking.