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On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - Crackpunch - 03-30-2011

So I've got two points that I feel are related and I wanna discuss. Enjoy reading my disjointed writing style!

Why do people hate capital ships so much? It's just another type of ship to be flown. Sure it takes more than one snub to kill, but that's how it should be inRP. They're well balanced in combat and you can always run away from one if you can't kill it.

I don't see the point in making them so expensive either.
"I wanna RP as *insert something needs a cap here*, but first I gotta RP as a miner for a few weeks (I say weeks because some of us don't have all day to spend on FL) to earn the cash I need." I think it sucks that people are forced to RP as something they may not like in order to fund their other characters. What does the server gain from powertraders and powerminers?

Give everyone the keys to daddy's car. Then punish them when they screw up.

If everyone had infinite cash (or near limitless so that there is still a little motivation to trade), all power miners and power traders would disappear. They'd already have the ships they wanted. With all of them gone, what's left? The people that actually enjoy Rping their trader/miner! Wouldn't that be great!? People that aren't just out for credits, but actually want to meet someone along the way. Facepalming at the "wut you want?" traders/miners would be a thing of the past.

Now I see a lot of opposition to mining being profitable. Most of this opposition comes from the people that already have all the ships they want. Being selfish, they think "Well I've got my stuff, so I don't care what other people want." You notice how low the server population has been with mining nerfed? It's a ghost town. The amount of less-than-RP-capables on the server is about the same though; so that really did nothing other than scare off a few players.

Ranting about all this serves no purpose other than to let other people know my view. I do offer a solution however. Everyday, all players are given 2 million credits. Enough for those who don't wanna do any money making, but not enough that credits lose their value. Buffing credit making ventures allows those who want <strike>something big</strike> to RP something that unjustly costs a lot of money to do a lot less grinding.

Another suggestion would be to reduce the cost of all ships, so that you can RP as whatever you want. However, you'll still have to earn a bit of cash to have the maximum edge in pvp.

Am I the only one who thinks like this?

Note that I have one Battleship, one destroyer, three gunboats, eight fighters and two transports, before you call me a capwhore. I also have no intention of buying anything bigger than a gunboat in the near future.

Edit: Please comment on both ideas rather than just hating on one of them.


[sarcasm] On another note Zapp left because mining got nerfed; the timing fits! [/sarcasm]

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - SeaFalcon - 03-30-2011

Well not all caps are bad,


That makes 'em look bad.

Guess that's also the reason why I fly GB's and lower,
Lately mostly light fighters

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - Chrysalis - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:If everyone had infinite cash (or near limitless so that there is still a little motivation to trade), all power miners and power traders would disappear. They'd already have the ships they wanted. With all of them gone, what's left? The people that actually enjoy Rping their trader/miner! Wouldn't that be great!? People that aren't just out for credits, but actually want to meet someone along the way. Facepalming at the "wut you want?" traders/miners would be a thing of the past.

Even though this is impossible.

This would reduce the number of lolminers, that is true. But it would also increase the amount of lolcaps beyond imagination. In my opinion: Better lolminers than gazillions of lolcaps.

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - sajuuk680 - 03-30-2011

i want to tell different thing, In the universe, the players only making money via trade? Where are other jobs? How about a Battleship destruction mission for 15 m?
I understand there are escorting bla bla, but i cant see someone escorting for real money, also in real life i cant see a lorry driver can get a Rolls Royce

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - Crackpunch - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:Better lolminers than gazillions of lolcaps. [/color]

Who cries the louder when you kill them? Official factions/Admins will have to police cap usage. Shouldn't be too hard.

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - SeaFalcon - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:i want to tell different thing, In the universe, the players only making money via trade? Where are other jobs? How about a Battleship destruction mission for 15 m?
I understand there are escorting bla bla, but i cant see someone escorting for real money, also in real life i cant see a lorry driver can get a Rolls Royce

Instead of a lorrydriver make it a Emma Maersk seacontainer ship captain?

Those captains earn loads and loads of money.

and then again how much to astronauts earn?

It's impossible to compare current Earth salaries with Freelancer ones.


having expensive capital ships makes people adleast play the game for a while
before they can have one.

So in theory 'lolwuts' should gain experience in the game when earning their money

Having said that I think the prices of caps shouldn't be lowered.

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - Crackpunch - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:having expensive capital ships makes people adleast play the game for a while
before they can have one.

So in theory 'lolwuts' should gain experience in the game when earning their money

Unfortunately that is just theory and isn't what happens at all. Experience on the server doesn't necessarily mean that people will just start RPing.

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - SeaFalcon - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:Unfortunately that is just theory and isn't what happens at all. Experience on the server doesn't necessarily mean that people will just start RPing.

What I meant to say is that when you make caps even cheaper it's gonna get even worse.

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - Chrysalis - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:Who cries the louder when you kill them? Official factions/Admins will have to police cap usage. Shouldn't be too hard.

Of course, with such a drastic change some control would have to be implemented. Too many people just buy the caps, without any previous RP, written or what so ever. I think that the restriction should be: No capital ships without any previous written RP that proves that the player actually knows what he is doing. But again that's just my opinion.

On Q_Qing about cash and cap ships - Crackpunch - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:Of course, with such a drastic change some control would have to be implemented. Too many people just buy the caps, without any previous RP, written or what so ever. I think that the restriction should be: No capital ships without any previous written RP that proves that the player actually knows what he is doing. But again that's just my opinion.

An opinion that I like, but to me, caps are just another ship like fighters. The only difference is the massive price.