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To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - Printable Version

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To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - Sturmwind - 03-31-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Planet Hamburg,[color=#33CC00] Hamburg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000] HIGH, port RM-CH-HC-1488-VH.


[Image: Voelkel-transmission.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Intelligence Agency of Bretonia / Bretonia Government
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Caught.

Guten Tag.

Rheinwehr forces have caught a Bretonian vessel trespassing Omega-11 and Omega-7, it has been identified as an operator of the Intelligance Agency of Bretonia. The pilot of the vessel also gave an identification of "849X0L4".

[color=#33CC00]::Visual data::
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4

We request a full explanation regarding the case.


Admiral Alec Voelkel,
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - Razr - 04-02-2011

Incoming Transmission...

: Vierlande Prison Station, Hamburg System
Encryption: HIGH, port RM-CH-HC-1488-VH

Comm ID: Major Verena Higham, Rheinland Military
Target: Intelligence Agency of Bretonia and The Bretonian Government

Guten Morgen,

I would kindly like to remind you that the Rheinwehr still awaits a response regarding this incident. You must be thinking, 'This looks bad.' Believe me, we think the same thing, however an answer to what exactly was going on would be good, preferably as soon as possible.

While I'm sure you'd like time to think of a way out of this, as anyone would; I must say the longer it takes to get back to us, the more damaged your already shattered credibility becomes. So, again please refrain from ignoring us, or we will make our presence known.

We expect a full explanation, quickly.


Major Verena Higham
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.

Closing Comlink...

[color=#33CC00]Transmission Terminated...

To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - Dab - 04-02-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Commodore Evyn Hunter
Origin: Battleship Craven's Nest
Recipient: Admiral Alec Voelkel

I will attempt to contact a member of the government, or at the very least get an Armed Forces officer assigned to this case on the off-chance that the government cannot spare personnel to investigate. Please have patience, the current war situation taxes our ability to spare personnel for non-critical purposes.

-Commodore Evyn Hunter
Force Commander, 8th Fleet, Bretonia Armed Forces
Special Investigations
<div align="right]End Transmission

To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - iabdirector - 04-04-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1director21.jpg]

Comm ID: Director Regis Lawson
Location: New London
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Re: Caught

To clarify, the Operative in question was operating outside of current IAB operational zones for such tagged vessels. Section Seven Agents were given the task to track down known Terrorists. Operative 849X0L4 as identified here, was assigned the task on tracking a particular terrorist known as "Mon'Star" who was reported to have resurfaced in the recent weeks.

Operative 849X0L4 was merely following a lead. I assure you that we have ran full data-storage checks on his ship, and anything related to Rheinland's defenses has been deleted, I personally over-saw the task and debriefed the Operative. His operations have been suspended for the time being.

I apologize for the trouble his appearance in Rheinland space might have caused, I will also apologize for my lack of response to this topic as I was busy dealing with funeral arrangements, and failed to even look at the report regarding this until two days ago. An error on my part that will not be repeated.

Director Regis Lawson
Home Office of Military Intelligence

To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - Razr - 04-06-2011

Incoming Transmission...

: Vierlande Planet Hamburg Hamburg System
Encryption: HIGH, port RM-CH-HC-1488-VH

Comm ID: Major Verena Higham, Rheinland Military
Target: Director Regis Lawson

This is a most troublesome situation. As I understand it, you're telling me that your operative was simply following a "lead" on a known terrorist? Were this the case why not just pass on the information to Rheinland officials? If confirmation was truly needed surely we could send it, or well asking permission to send a small scouting party may have also been acceptable.

While these inconsistencies are small, they are many, and it raises a few concerns about the legitimacy of your claim. I suppose we'll let this rest for now, but I strongly urge you to prevent such a case from happening -ever- again.


Major Verena Higham
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.

To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - iabdirector - 04-06-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1director21.jpg]

Comm ID: Director Regis Lawson
Location: New London
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Re: Caught


Don't sit here and insult me for a simple-minded mistake that your own agency, and that of Liberty's have made countless of times. At least there's more color here than shades of gray.

Director Regis Lawson
Home Office of Military Intelligence

[Transmission Terminated]

To the IAB and the government of Bretonia. - Razr - 04-10-2011

Incoming Transmission...

: Masked
Encryption: HIGH, port RM-CH-HC-1488-VH

Comm ID: Vizeadmiral Verena Higham, Rheinland Military
Target: Director Regis Lawson

My apologies for the late reply, I assumed the director of an -intelligence- agency had enough sense to know when to let something die. I will first ask you to provide any proof you have of our agents doing anything similar to the situation at hand, as the Rheinwehr doesn't tolerate incompetence by any means. I'm very disappointed Director, for it seems that you are letting your pride speak for you; I don't remember insulting you, only making my position on having your agents found unauthorized in my space very clear.

From what I gather, you must be insisting that you prefer the shoot first, ask later method, which would surely be used to once again portray you as the victim, like my nonexistent insults, correct? At any rate, I provided you with proof before challenging the competence of your agency, please have the same courtesy, or quietly let this die down and learn where to blame the failures of your agency where they belong; at the top.


Vizeadmiral Verena Higham
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.