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To: Ageira|Hosalion, Ageira|Olympus - Printable Version

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To: Ageira|Hosalion, Ageira|Olympus - Echo 7-7 - 04-03-2011

To: Ageira|Hosalion, Bristol, Kilimanjaro, Olympus.

Looking at the activity list for all Ageira| tagged ships, you four have allowed showed up as active at least once in March, and the Hosalion and Bristol in the last few days.

If you could please make yourselves known to me, it would be much appreciated. I would like to know if you're just logging old characters to prevent them being deleted or whether you're actually semi-active members.

None of you are on the current Ageira roster and are therefore not current members of the faction, and are violating the rules by using the faction tag. If you've been gone so long you don't know who I am, I'm the Ageira President.

I know Senshi owns the Kilimanjaro, but you left the Official Chat without explanation, so I assume that means you've quit or at the very least are taking a Disco break.

Zorba, you own the Olympus, but you've been inactive in Ageira for the last few months. I wouldn't mind knowing what you're planning on doing.

Yerland, the Bristol is yours. As far as I can tell, you're also inactive in Ageira. Unless you can prove to me there exists a Mount Bristol, I'd like to know why your ship doesn't follow the naming guideline.

Whoever owns the Hosalion better respond quickly to this, or I may get rather angry. No one on skype said they owned it, so you're either an old inactive member, or about to receive the pain for using the tag without authorisation. Even google doesn't know of Hosalion, so you're violating naming guidelines too.

TL;DR: Who are you?

Edit: I was informed that Senshi lost all of his accounts, so that's that.
Yerland, I forgot that I spoke to you days ago and you may be rejoining.

To: Ageira|Hosalion, Ageira|Olympus - Echo 7-7 - 04-04-2011


To: Ageira|Hosalion, Ageira|Olympus - alphadog - 04-04-2011

I currently have Senshi's accounts, so I logged on every char he had. I'll remove the Ageira tag from the Kilimanjaro soon.

To: Ageira|Hosalion, Ageira|Olympus - Echo 7-7 - 04-04-2011

Well, depending on what he wants to do with the ship, removing the tag may not be necessary.
Did he want you to keep the ship until such time until he gets active again, or is it yours to keep? If neither you nor he want it anymore, Ageira might consider acquiring it from you.

To: Ageira|Hosalion, Ageira|Olympus - alphadog - 04-04-2011

His ships are mine to keep now. You can buy it from me if you're interested. Contact me on skype for that one.