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To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Printable Version

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To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-04-2011

-+-Incoming Transmission-+-
-+-ID: Carl Anders-+-
-+-Priority: HIGH-+-
-+-Location: Coronado, high orbit of planet Salina-+-
-+-Encryption Level: Maximum-+-
-+-Video Link Enabled-+-
[Image: 245c1gw.jpg]
Anders appears, with the backround of a Liberty Dreadnought recognizable behind him

Greeting Hellfire Legion High Command. I come to you with a bit of a proposal, of sorts.
While I was moving some supplies from a local base in the Independent worlds between Bretonia and Liberty, I ran into one Catherine Harbison, a Major in your fine group. Since I was flying in a Guardian, it attracted her attention. After a bit of talking, I accidently let slip I have a Dreadnought under my command.
To be put simply, she got quite interested and directed me to you, saying I ought to join you lot. And I'd be happy to, but my crew aren't too quick to throw their allegiances with a group that, the last time I saw, was interested in ripping my head off.
However, if you can convince my crew it's worth joining you folks to continue a bit of a guerrilla war with Liberty, I'll join, and submit my small flotilla and my Dreadnought to service.
But I have some terms that must be met, or at least close to being met.

1. The Dreadnought has it's engines disabled, it would have to be towed to a shipyard, or repaired on the spot to get fully repaired.
2. The current crew must be allowed to stay onboard the New Orleans.
3. I must have access to the New Orleans at all times.
Thats it.

Anders out.
-+-Transmission Closed-+-

To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-04-2011


To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Echo 7-7 - 04-06-2011


]] ID Signature: blocked [[
]] Location: =error/unknown, Magellan [[
]] Signal: Audio only [[

Now let's see here...
What the hell is this communication doing in my neural hack?
Looks like it has been bouncing around for a while on the 'net now.
Hmm, this is adressed to my superiors. Odd. I guess they never read it because the transmission was so out of the way of our usual channels; the publicly-hackable ones, at least.

Now, ah, Carl Anders. Captain Anders? Commander Anders, perhaps? I assume you have some sort of... formal title. It usually comes with the ship. That is, unless, they've come to give every graduate out of West Point their own playtoy, ahem, Dreadnought.

To be quite frank, you're a really strange character for a Dreadnought Captain. I can't believe someone with your rank hauls around the Independent Worlds in your spare time. How you even have spare time for such things at all is quite amusing. The Commanders and Admirals I knew of were always 'inundated with paperwork'.

To be frank, offering an entire Dreadnought and its entourage to us on a silver platter is hardly something we'd refuse. The problem is, this entire thing is... kind of odd. I don't like it. While Ms Harbison has some rather powerful rhetoric amongst her many other skills, usually high-ranking Libertine officers take a lot more persuation before they even consider joining our ranks. Regardless, what makes you think the rest of the Navy will simply allow you to run off with one of its prized Capital Ships? Heh, our own endeavours in that field notwithstanding, of course.

It feels like my buddies and I would be walking right into a trap. I don't have the authority to definitively turn you down, so I'll be forwarding this on to my superiors; but don't expect a reply any time soon.

DK out.


To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-07-2011

-+-Incoming Transmission-+-
-+-ID: Carl Anders-+-
-+-Priority: HIGH-+-
-+-Location: Coronado, high orbit of planet Salina-+-
-+-Encryption Level: Maximum-+-
-+-Video Link Enabled-+-
[Image: 245c1gw.jpg]
Anders appears, with the backround of a Liberty Dreadnought recognizable behind him

I don't know who you are, but you're somewhat lacking in the intelligence section. Because for your information, this Dreadnought hasn't responded to Naval command for over six months. And second, I've already contacted one of your Majors, she is the one who pointed me in the Legions direction. Hook line and sinker I suppose. Either way, I don't feel like revealing any more until I've been contacted by the Legions superiors. So kindly, take a hike off this comm channel.

-+-Transmission Closed-+-

To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-08-2011


To: Hellfire Legion High Command - TheJarl - 04-08-2011

[font=Courier New]<div align="center][Image: HF-Tharog-1.png]

Greetings, captain Anders

First of all sorry fer the late response and sorry fer the intrusion. He has been dealt with in an appropriate manner.

Now let's take a look a look at what exactly I have here before me. A captain of a Liberty Dreadnought who says he does no longer respond tae the Liberty Navy. Yet I don' see why ye don'. I don' see what happened. I don' see why I should trust ye.

And there are also logistical concerns. Keeping-up a large warship is no small thing ye know. But I assume if ye are floatin' around fer some time already, ye got plenty o' resources? Or do ye come tae us fer that.

But the most.. worrying is that ye want tae keep that ship fer yerself basically. What? Ye use our docks and paint a flaming skull on it? Doesn't work that way, lad. If ye are a legionnaire, ye start at the bottom and ye work yer ass off tae the top. A good ship doesn't make a good captain. We want good ships under the command of good captains. Even more important than quality however, is loyalty.

We are dedicated tae our cause. Overthrowing the government and replacing the navy. We fight fer Liberty, against tae treat that lies within its heart. Nothing tells me ye are like a Hellfire. I dunno why ye left the navy, but there apparently is a reason ye don' tell us that vital information right away.

In the end it comes tae this:

  • [color=#FFFF99]*I dunno who ye are
    *I dunno what ye were
    *I dunno what ye wanna do
    *I dunno... anything at all 'bout ye

Welcoming the big warship wi' the dangerous guns, when ye got absolutely no idea whether tae trust the captain of it, is not something I do.

But o' course if we change the terms tae this it'll be acceptable:

  • [color=#99FF99]1. The Dreadnought has it's engines disabled, it would have to be towed to a shipyard, or repaired on the spot to get fully repaired.

    2. The current crew may be stationed elsewhere and be replaced with trained Hellfire crew members. Crew members who resist against and actively oppose the Hellfire Legion will be disposed of.

    3. Captain Anders will regain access to the New Orleans when he has gained a rank capable of flying dreadnoughts or when Hellfire High Command gives special permission.

    4. Captain Anders can start at the rank of Major.

That'd be all

Libera te ex infernis!

Fleet Admiral Frosthearth out
[Image: commfinisher.png]

To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-09-2011

-+-Incoming Transmission-+-
-+-ID: Carl Anders-+-
-+-Priority: HIGH-+-
-+-Location: Coronado, high orbit of planet Salina-+-
-+-Encryption Level: Maximum-+-
-+-Audio only-+-

The sound of brief murmuring is heard in the backround, as Anders clears his throat and begins to speak

First, to answer your questions, i'll state who I am.

I'm a Ex- Naval Commander, who, while in a deep incursion Op in Rheinland, got back stabbed by Naval High Command. In a way, they were cutting off loose ends, and my entire battle group was one of them. I wont reveal anymore. Liabilities and all that.

As for why I'm interested in joining the Legion. I'm already using the remains of my fleet to attack Naval patrols in Cortez and Magellan, and considering the Legion is a lot more organized, and capable of doing a lot more damage, I think its best for both of us to, in a sense, join forces.

And there is a good chance you are wondering what my battle group consists of. I'll attach a file at the end of this transmission with crew details and entire fleet roster.

As for the terms, they are acceptable I suppose. You won't find resistance from the Crew though. They are still best suited for crewing on a Dreadnought or Liberty Carrier. Or any Liberty ship for that matter.

And lastly, you have to understand that this Ship will have to be in dry dock for a long period of time to be even close to battle ready. Its front is mangled beyond belief, its rear armor panels are, for the most part, gone.

I hope the above is clear, Anders out.

::Attached File::
New Orleans Crew Count: 378
Number of Cruisers: One
Number of Gunboats: Two
Number of Upholders: 4
Number of Guardians: 12
Number of Avengers: 0
::File Ends::

-+-Transmission Closed-+-

To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-10-2011


To: Hellfire Legion High Command - Total.Absolution - 04-13-2011