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Privateer ID - bluntpencil2001 - 01-26-2008

Right, I'm really unsure as to what ID my Privateer band should use.

I personally favour B.A.F, because that's what we are. However, there are other options, each with pros and cons, such as Junker, Pirate or Mercenary.

I'd like opinions, and since each of these I.Ds could be considered acceptable, the vote will probably sway me.

Currently, the QCP are an official part of the Queen's forces, and will remain so, hence the current BAF ID. However, other IDs may be usable due to our 'Letters of Marque', Mercenary probably being best here. However, technically some may call us Pirates, so that ID is a possibility, but might get us in trouble back home in Bretonia when selling our loot off. So, therefore there is the semi-lawful Junker ID which might be okay, since I often base off of Yanagi to rob shipping, bribing the Junkers... but the problem with a non-generic ID is that we aren't Junkers, we're true-blue Bretonians and proud of it.

Personally, I'd like a Bretonian Privateer ID, but that isn't possible for now, so it isn't an option.

Oh, and for the record, I'm posting this because people are apparently whining and reporting little old me for doing my duty to Her Majesty.


Privateer ID - Daniel_Feenix - 01-26-2008

I voted for the Pirate ID because you are not Junkers and you'd experience the same problems that you're having now with a Mercenary ID as it doesn't allow piracy. It's not ideal but; without Privateer IDs, it'll have to do.

EDIT: Would what I've written below be suitable for Queen Carina's Privateers if it is implemented in 4.85?

Quote:70000 - Bretonian Privateer ID
Pilot carrying this ID has been granted a Letter of Marque. Bretonian Privateer ID grants its owner the right to demand cargo from enemies of the Crown, hunt pirates and terrorists, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on lawful side, and trade. Bretonian Privateer ID owner cannot ally with unlawful forces.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.

Privateer ID - Stoat - 01-26-2008

We may be pirate-like in some respects, but as you say, we're Bretonian through and through. We'd get the same complaints for having a pirate ID and BAF tag, or Junker ID and BAF tag so we can't win either way. And Mercs can't pirate. So we're up the creek without a paddle, as far as stopping complaints goes.

Merc ID is what we had before so I guess we could change to that if the BAF ID has to be withdrawn. I'm gonna vote to stay BAF, but I'll change to Merc if it comes to it.

Privateer ID - Jinx - 01-26-2008

voted pirate. if they are pirating, they are pirates. - but i don t know how the QCP picks targets...

a privateer would only pick kurari targets - and possibly only targets that aid the effords of war against bretonia. so he would avoid any trader other than clear kusari IDed traders ( not sure about generic traders )

if the QCP attacks any trader - they are pirating. if they are carefully choosing targetsthat only benefit kusari directly in the war - a BAF ID would fit. - in the end, they are members of the bretonian military then.

Privateer ID - Dieter Schprokets - 01-26-2008

Most consistent with server rules : pirate

Most in RP : BAF

No right answer, it seems

Privateer ID - mjolnir - 01-26-2008

Voted Mercenary.....

think it would fit best... but that's just me as I see.

BAF tag in any case.

Privateer ID - Othman - 01-26-2008

Hard one really. Haven't voted yet, still thinking.

Privateer ID - Xoria - 01-26-2008

Quote:Mercenary ID : Pilot carrying this ID is a mercenary who works for him/herself, unwilling to join the Bounty Hunters Guild or any other faction. Mercenary ID grants its owner right to fulfil lawful and unlawful bounty contracts, escort traders and smugglers, hunt pirates and terrorists, participate in military operations on lawful or unlawful side. Mercenary ID owner is not allowed to pirate or trade on regular basis.

"on a regular basis" means that mercenaries CAN pirate, but can only do so occasionally. That seems to me to be the best fit for what you are doing.

Privateer ID - Jwnantze - 01-26-2008

In any case there are still gonna be people reporting you for doing this, even the pirate id because you have a lawful ship and tag.

Privateer ID - Dopamino - 01-26-2008

I voted for merc because people will already know who you're affiliated with from your tag, name and ship, and mercs are really what you are (more or less).