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Planet Fitness? - Printable Version

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Planet Fitness? - Ocampo - 04-04-2011

Well, a [Image: PlanetFitness_logo.gif] opened up by me...I like it a lot.

Now to the topic of this post, they people of marketing gods!

The first Monday of the month, they give out free pizza, all you can eat. There are hundreds of commercials for this the week prior to the free pizza, and about 200+ people come for this, at the time the pizza gets there.

Now, They are making so much money on this...

The gym get packed as soon as the people are done eating. Out of the 150 cardio machines, 2 were open for use after the first round of 30 pizza pies were delivered.

Man, what a way to make money.

Planet Fitness? - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-05-2011

Wait... You show up and get free pizza, all you can eat? Then you get to go work out and puke all over the machines? What a deal! And so ... self-serving, too. That means you get fat from eating the pizza, then go lose the weight on the machines.

Planet Fitness? - Fletcher - 04-05-2011

That's surprisingly epically good marketing. Tasty food, then work off the guilt in the gym, stay as a member forever!!

Well done marketing. Ethical? Hell no.

Planet Fitness? - Disco - 04-06-2011

Those poor pizzas.

Planet Fitness? - ProwlerPC - 04-06-2011

Is it one of those fitness centres with escalators?

Planet Fitness? - Ocampo - 04-06-2011

' Wrote:Is it one of those fitness centres with escalators?

Planet Fitness? - Sabas - 04-06-2011

Meh, all I eat is peanut butter and I loose 10 pounds a month while sitting on my arse.

I am a god.