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Max Character Worth Clarification - Printable Version

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Max Character Worth Clarification - Camtheman - 04-05-2011

Well, see, I have a cap 8 barge with ~750m on it...

So its worth would be... (if everything was worth what I bought it at the station for)


2.14 Billion total worth...

But how does that work? It is what it resells for? In that case it'd be much lower...

How much credits could I have on it and still be safe? I like all my money to be on one character, pure organization and all that...

Max Character Worth Clarification - Akura - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:(if everything was worth what I bought it at the station for)

It's not.

The value of the ship and equipment is less than half what you paid for it, so whatever you can sell it to the station for, that is it's value.

For example, a 200mil cruiser with a 895mil Cap8. The cruiser is worth about 75mil now, and the Cap8 is worth a little over 200mil or summit.

Get what I mean?

Also, I'm guessing you're playing Pokemon Black or White now...

Max Character Worth Clarification - Backo - 04-05-2011

I believe the sell (to the dealer) price of items is 40% of their original price. Correct if wrong.

Max Character Worth Clarification - Akura - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:I believe the sell (to the dealer) price of items is 40% of their original price. Correct if wrong.

Sounds about right, yeah.

So it's whatever you can sell to the dealer, plus the cash on it, shouldn't be over two billion.

Max Character Worth Clarification - Not Espi - 04-05-2011

copy the character in SP, go to pittsburgh, and buy a starflea. sell all equipment

what you have left is roughly your ship's worth

ps: barge is no way worth 500 million, or is it?

Max Character Worth Clarification - Hielor - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:copy the character in SP, go to pittsburgh, and buy a starflea. sell all equipment

what you have left is roughly your ship's worth

ps: barge is no way worth 500 million, or is it?
500mil is the buy price, the "value" would be about 40% of that.

Max Character Worth Clarification - Oxslow - 04-05-2011

I thought it was 30% not 40% but I might me wrong.

Max Character Worth Clarification - Not Espi - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:500mil is the buy price, the "value" would be about 40% of that.

does it actually cost 500 million on the base, though?

Max Character Worth Clarification - Camtheman - 04-05-2011

Quote:does it actually cost 500 million on the base, though?

Yes, like a battleship without a BS Scanner.

So, since im bad at math, how much money could I have before in danger of corruption?

Max Character Worth Clarification - aerelm - 04-05-2011

To calculate a character's total worth, each equipment is 30% of the original price, and ship itself 50% of the original price.

So, you purchase a Barge for 500 millions, which means worth of the ship itself is 250 millions. Also, Cap8 being 895 millions if bought from a base, the worth would be 268.5 millions.

This makes total worth of a Cap8 Barge with no cash on it (Although rest of the equipment worth is so small it doesn't really count anyways) would be ~520 millions.

Maximum worth of each char without getting corrupted is 2.1 bils, but people say it's safer if you don't go over 1.8 bils at all... So, you can have about 1290 mils on a Cap8 Barge and still be safe.

Before you ask me where I'm gettin this info from:
' Wrote:The actual limit is based on the total value of credits, cargo, equipment + ship. This must be less than 2147483648.