Discovery Gaming Community
Saying hello - Printable Version

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Saying hello - gailstorm - 04-06-2011

I've actually been around for awhile, flew with the LN back when it was the SA, played around as a freelancer and have traded under about a million aliases. I usually play for a bit, lose interest and fade into oblivion until I get that itch to revisit discovery again.

This time around I figured I'd say hello, maybe stay around for a while this time. Glad to see this community is still on it's feet after so many years.

Saying hello - VoluptaBox - 04-06-2011


Saying hello - Araevin Teshurr - 04-06-2011

Hello, welcome back. Things have changed alot. Make sure to read up on the new rules and what-not.

Saying hello - A1t - 04-06-2011


Saying hello - Werss™ - 04-06-2011

Wlc back...have fun(again)

Saying hello - nunchakus - 04-06-2011

Welcome back, take a seat and enjoy the ride.

Saying hello - Veygaar - 04-06-2011

Hello lil feller:D


Saying hello - Banris - 04-06-2011

Hello there. Have fun!

Saying hello - Uzed - 04-06-2011
